Dans un message précédent consacré à une enveloppe reçue du Japon, je m'interrogeais concernant un des timbres composant l'affranchissement.
J'ai trouvé la réponse sur le blog de Cheng Yiting qui a publié de jolis FDC en provenance du Japon. Ces FDC reprennent des timbres de préfecture consacrés à des châteaux et des paysages de la région de Kinki, comme celui-ci :
In a previous message dedicated to a cover received from Japan, I wondered concerning one of the stamps composing the postage.
I've found the answer on the blog of Cheng Yiting who published some attractive FDC from Japan. These FDC are composed of stamps of prefecture dedicated to castles and scenary of the region of Kinki, as this one :

Pour info, la région de Kinki comprend les grandes villes de Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe et Nara.
Thanks to this FDC, we learn that these stamps of prefecture (Furusato) were issued on June 1st, 2007. The region were known now, I had to find which castle was represented on this stamp...thank you Internet which allowed me to discover that it was about the Osaka castle (大坂城・大阪城 Ōsaka-jō) , one of the most known of Japan!
The region of Kinki includes big cities (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe et Nara).
Voici une photo de ce château :
Here is a picture of this castle :

The construction of this castle began in 1583 until 1598. It was attacked then repeatedly (epic fights between the original Toyotomi clan and the shogun Tokugawa). It will then be neglected, converted in military camp in 1869 under the Meji era, will be destroyed in 1945 by the American air raids then reconstructed in 1997.
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