Le 21 mars 2012, la poste tchèque a émis un nouveau timbre dit "personnalisable" au tarif permanent "A" (lettre ordinaire domestique jusqu'à 50g, soit 10 Kč actuellement) évoquant un touriste devant un poteau indicateur.
Ce timbre figure (en 2 exemplaires) en haut à gauche sur cette nouvelle intéressante lettre recommandée postée le 1er jour d'émission de Prague.
Merci beaucoup Bret :-)
Bret a également utilisé à droite un des 2 timbres (18 Kč) faisant partie de la série "Beautés de notre pays", émise le 7 mars 2012, consacrée au patrimoine historique et architectural de la ville de Kuks cette année.
On March 21, 2012, the Czech Post has issued a new "customizable" regional permanent rate "A" stamp (domestic standard letter up to 50g, i.e. 10 Kč today) showing a tourist in front of a signpost.
This stamp is included (in two copies) in the upper left part of this new interesting registered letter mailed on the first day of issue from Prague.
Thank you very much Bret :-)
Bret has also used, to the right, one of two stamps (18 Kč) part of the series "Beauties of our country", issued on March 7, 2012, devoted to historical and architectural heritage of the city of Kuks this year.

Le dernier timbre ci-dessus, émis le 29 septembre 2010, fait partie de la série courante tchèque consacrée aux fleurs, à l'anémone ici.
This stamp, in a sheetlet of four stamps above, depicts one of several baroque statues (the "Prudence" here) featuring the Virtues and Vices, located in the gardens of the hospital of Kuks. These statues were executed between 1715 and 1718 by the Czech baroque sculptor Matthias Bernard Braun (1684-1738).
The last stamp above, issued on September 29, 2010, is part of the Czech definitive series devoted to flowers, an Anemone here.

Ce timbre a été émis en feuille de 9 timbres + 12 vignettes personnalisables dont 3 différentes sur la partie droite : un couple de touristes transportant un poteau indicateur, un père et son fils assis sur un poteau, et une touriste arrosant un poteau indicateur (cette dernière vignette ne figure pas sur la lettre recommandée ci-dessus). Un randonneur avec un poteau signalétique sur l'épaule est représenté sur les vignettes à gauche du timbre.
Le motif sur l'enveloppe FDC ci-dessus évoque une carte de la République tchèque en puzzle multicolore...
Bret was kind enough to send me also the FDC above devoted to this new "customizable" stamp, designed by the painter and graphic artist Jiří Slíva, author of many stamps issued by the Czech Post (including the EUROPA stamp issued in 2005).
This stamp was issued in a sheet of 9 stamps + 12 personalized coupons including three different ones on the right-hand margin : a couple of tourists carrying a signpost, a father and his son sitting on a signpost, and a female tourist watering a signpost (this last coupon is not included on the registered cover above). A hiker with a signpost over his shoulder is featured on the attached coupon to the left of the stamp.
The illustration on the FDC above evokes a colorful puzzle map of the Czech Republic...

The Czech Post has also issued the numbered commemorative sheet above, franked with that same stamp and an attached coupon, including the FDC cancellation of Prague.
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