En 1942, des soldats du régiment malais ("Askar Melayu") ont valeureusement combattu contre les japonais lors d'une de leurs dernières batailles, la bataille de Pasir Panjang, sur une crête d'un parc de Singapour.
Transformé en forteresse par les britanniques, ce parc, une forêt tropicale à l'origine, a été rebaptisé Kent Ridge Park lors de son ouverture au public en 1952.
Ce site fait partie depuis 1995 des 11 sites classés au patrimoine local dans la catégorie "site de la 2ème guerre mondiale" à Singapour.
In 1942, Malay Regiment ("Askar Melayu") soldiers have fought valiantly against the Japanese during one of their last battles, the Battle for Pasir Panjang, at a hill at a park in Singapore.
Transformed into a fortress by the British, this park, an evergreen rainforest in the beginning, was renamed Kent Ridge Park when it opened to the public in 1952.
This site is part since 1995 of the 11 local "World War II" heritage sites in Singapore.

Cette série figure sur le splendide FDC officiel ci-dessus. Merci beaucoup Terence :-)
L'oblitération FDC ainsi que le timbre à gauche (2nd Local) évoque la maison coloniale, restaurée et transformée en musée de la 2ème guerre mondiale (appelé "Reflections at Bukit Chandu"), dans laquelle logeaient les officiers de l'armée britannique.
Trois statues (taille réelle) de soldats du régiment malais ont été érigées à proximité pour rendre hommage à ceux qui ont combattu ou sont morts lors de la défense héroïque de Singapour contre les troupes japonaises...
The Post of Singapore has issued on September 22, 2010, a nice set of four se-tenant stamps devoted to this historic park and its heritage trail completed in 2003 in particular.
This series is included on the beautiful official FDC above. Thank you very much Terence :-)
The FDC postmark and also the stamp on the left (2nd Local) evokes the colonial bungalow, restored and converted in a World War II Museum (called "Reflections at Bukit Chandu"), that housed British Army officers at the time.
Three life-sized statues of soldiers of this Malay Regiment were erected nearby to honor those who fought or died during the heroic defense of Singapore against the Japanese troops...

J'aime bien aussi l'autre côté de ce FDC ci-dessus avec un autre timbre à date provenant du bureau postal de Kent Ridge !
The other three stamps of this set evoke the lush flora and fauna along this trail through the 47 hectare of this park located in western Singapore, between the National University and the Science Park. A panoramic view of the sea and some southern islands is possible from the highest peak of this park, carpark B (61 meters)...
I also like the other side of this FDC above with a different hand cancellation from the Kent Ridge post office !

J'ai déjà évoqué cette série dans un message précédent sur ce blog. A noter la concordance parfaite entre le motif du timbre (mascotte Merly) et la flamme de l'oblitération !
Ces jeux sont terminés depuis le 26 août mais ce type d'oblitération est curieusement toujours proposée pour l'affranchissement, comme pour cette lettre postée le 30 septembre 2010...
Terence has also been kind enough to send me the other special cover above franked with one of the four stamps issued on August 14, 2010, the opening day of the 1st Youth Summer Olympic Games in Singapore.
I've already mentioned this series in a previous post on this blog. To note the perfect concordance between the design of the stamp (Merly, one of the two mascots) and the pictural cancellation !
These games are over since August 26th but this type of cancellation is curiously always offered to the public, as for this letter posted on September 30, 2010...
5 commentaires:
A wonderful blog! WOW! why i didn't found it earlier?!
thank you Sara !
I've also just discovered your philatelic blog (europa covers), great job !
Hi Eric,
I'm glad that you like the FDC. I remembered that i stepped into the Kent Ridge Post Office in NUS (National University of Singapore) at 4.55pm (they closed at 5pm) just in time for the hand cancellation on the day of issue. As for the YOG slogan postmark, it was used for a period from July 17 till Sept 30, i sent you on the last day ... lol
thank you Terence for your kind attention concerning the Kent Ridge hand cancellation :-)
and thanks also for this last day's YOG postmark !! great !!!
If not because Oct 9th fell on Sat, we would have another slogan postmark for World Post Day ... so, have to wait till next year :(
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