Je n'ai reçu que cette semaine cette lettre recommandée d'Inde pourtant postée le 10 novembre 2008 de Bangalore !
Mieux vaut tard que jamais...
Merci beaucoup Deepak pour ce courrier et les enveloppes spéciales jointes dont je vais parler plus loin :-)
J'ai déjà évoqué sur ce blog le bloc-feuillet de 4 timbres émis le 8 août 2008 par la poste indienne pour annoncer l'ouverture des jeux olympiques de Pékin. Ces 4 mêmes timbres se-tenant figurent en haut à gauche sur cette lettre, extraits d'une feuille cette fois.
I just received this week this letter from India mailed on November 10 2008 in Bangalore !
Better late than never...
Deepak thank you very much for this nice cover and for the attached special envelopes about which I'll speak below :-)
I have already spoken on this blog about the souvenir sheet of four stamps issued on August 8 2008 by the Indian Post to announce the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing. These same four se-tenant stamps are included in the top left of this letter, taken from a sheet this time.
Le bloc-feuillet en bas à droite a été émis le 13 octobre 2008 pour célébrer la journée de la philatélie. Ce bloc, constitué d'un timbre à 5 Rs, a la particularité d'avoir été vendu 20 Rs jusqu'au 29 octobre puis 15 Rs après cette date, comme mentionné dans la marge en haut à gauche...
Ce bloc évoque une pièce de théâtre célèbre, "Dak Ghar" ("le bureau de poste"), de Rabîndranâth Tagore (1861-1941), dramaturge, écrivain, poète, compositeur et philosophe indien ayant profondément influencé la littérature et la musique du Bengale. Il recevra le prix Nobel de littérature en 1913.
The Rs 5.00 stamp in the upper right was issued on September 17 2008 to pay tribute to Sir Pitti Theagarayar (1852-1925), one of the theee founders of the Justice Party (also known as "South Indian Liberal Federation") in 1917 . He was a member of municipal council of Madras (now called Chennai since 1996) for 40 years from 1882, showing selfless, courage and honesty towrads public life. He will receive many honors and titles from the Indian government, including the "Sir" title in 1921. Theagarayar is depicted on this stamp with a Madras cotton fabric in background I think...
The souvenir sheet at the bottom right was issued on October 13 2008 to celebrate the Day of Philately. This sheet, consisting of a Rs 5.00 stamp, has the particularity of having been sold Rs 20.00 till October 29 and Rs 15.00 after that date, as written in the top left margin...
This sheet refers to a famous play, "Dak Ghar" ("the Post Office"), written by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), an Indian playwright, writer, poet, composer and philosopher who profoundly influenced Indian literature and music in Bengale. He has received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
Above the other side of this cover with the souvenir sheet of four stamps issued on August 12 2008, devoted to air and sea Indian Coast Guard's means of transport. I already mentioned these four stamps on a FDC received earlier.
L'enveloppe ci-dessus a été émise le 17 octobre 2008, 1er jour de l'exposition philatélique "KarPhilex".
Le timbre à 5 Rs, émis le 26 avril 2008 avec un autre timbre à 15 Rs, évoque la fleur de jasmin. Ce timbre parfumé est le 3ème émis par la poste indienne après les timbres parfumés au bois de santal et à la rose en 2006 et 2007.
L'oblitération spéciale, ainsi que l'illustration à gauche, évoque le chowdike, un instrument de musique à percussion accompagnant les chants traditionnels du même nom dédiés au culte de la déesse Yellamma ("Mère de Tout"), vénérée dans tout le sud de l'Inde.
Deepak has therefore been kind enough to include in his cover the four special envelopes issued in 2008 by the Postal Circle of Karnataka, a State in south-west of India with Bangalore (renamed Bengaluru in 2006) as capital.
The envelope above was issued on October 17 2008, the opening day of the "KarPhilex" philatelic exhibition.
The Rs 5.00 stamp, issued on April 26 2008 with another Rs 15.00 stamp, is devoted to the jasmine flower. This scented stamp is the third one issued by the Indian Post after the sandalwood and rose stamps in 2006 and 2007.
The special cancellation, and also the illustration on the left, refers to the chowdike, a wooden or copper drum musical instrument accompanying the traditional same name songs dedicated to the worship of the goddess Yellamma ("Mother of All"), revered throughout the south of India.
Karaga est le nom du pot en métal décoré avec des fleurs qu'un homme, habillé en femme, porte sur la tête lors de la procession de 15 km de long. Cette coiffe est représentée sur le cachet spécial ci-dessus émis le 1er août 2008.
The above cover is devoted to a major cultural event of Karnataka and Bangalore in particular : the Karaga festival. This nine days' festival takes place each year during the Tamil New Year in April during which the goddess Draupathi is venerated, particularly in the 800 years old Dharmarayaswamy temple in Nagarathpet.
Karaga is the name of the metal pot decorated with flowers on top which a carrier, dressed as a woman, expertly balances on his head during a procession of 15 km long. This headdress is depicted on the special postmark above issued August 1 2008.
Les timbres utilisés sont ceux figurant sur le bloc-feuillet "Journée de la philatélie" présent sur la lettre envoyée par Deepak.
L'oblitération et la carte postale (datant de 1917) reproduite sur cette enveloppe font référence à un fond de guerre de la principauté indienne de Mysore (1399-1947), qui correspond aujourd'hui à l'état de Karnataka. Cette carte postale d'époque avec une photographie du maharajah de Mysore (sans doute Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV...) était vendue au profit de ce fond de guerre de Mysore, alimentant principalement un fond de la Croix-Rouge.
Je ne sais pas exactement qui pouvait bénéficier de ce fond de guerre ?
The last two envelopes above and below were issued during another Philatelic exhibition held in Bangalore from 13 to 15 October 2008, about the postal history of India.
The stamps used are taken from the "Day of Philately" souvenir sheet included on the letter sent by Deepak.
The cancellation and the postcard (from 1917) reproduced on this envelope refer to a war fund of the Indian principality of Mysore (1399-1947), that corresponds today to the state of Karnataka. This vintage postcard with a picture of the Maharaja of Mysore (probably Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV...) was sold for the benefit of this Mysore war fund, to mainly benefit a Red Cross fund.
I don't know exactly who was able to receive help thanks to this Mysore war fund ?
L'illustration à gauche reproduit une lettre de 1849 avec une oblitération portant la mention "Bangalore - 1849 February 1 - Paid".
Le 1er timbre émis sur le territoire indien le sera par l'administration britannique en octobre 1854 (avec le profil de la reine Victoria).
Le 1er timbre émis par l'Inde après son indépendance représente le drapeau national (émis le 21 novembre 1947).
This last cover above is devoted to the early cancellations of Bangalore.
The picture on the left reproduces a miniature letter from 1849 cancelled with the words "Bangalore - 1849 February 1 - Paid".
The first stamp issued on the Indian territory will be issued by the British administration in October 1854 (with the profile of Queen Victoria).
The first stamp issued by India after independence depicted the national flag (issued on November 21 1947).