Les administrations postales de Russie et de Macédoine ont déjà émis un timbre cette année commémorant les 75 ans de la naissance du célèbre cosmonaute soviétique Youri Gagarine (1934-1968).
La poste de Moldavie, ainsi que celle du Kazakhstan, a émis le 9 mars 2009 (date exacte de la naissance de Gagarine 75 ans plus tôt) une oblitération spéciale concernant cet anniversaire.
Cette oblitération figure en 2 exemplaires sur l'entier postal ci-dessous.
Merci beaucoup Sergio pour cette intéressant document postal :-)
The postal administrations of Russia and Macedonia have already issued a stamp this year commemorating the 75th anniversary of the birth of the famous Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968).
The Post of Moldova, as well as the Post of Kazakhstan, has issued on March 9 2009 (exact date of the birth of Gagarin 75 years earlier) a special cancellation devoted to this anniversary.
This cancellation is included (two times) on the postal stationery below.
Sergio thank you very much for this very interesting postal document :-)
Le timbre pré-imprimé (0,60L) représente la fusée qui transportait Gagarine avant son décollage du cosmodrome de Baïkonour, avec un portrait du cosmonaute au 1er plan.
L'illustration à gauche de ce timbre représente la partie supérieure de cette fusée dans laquelle on devine la capsule qui a transporté Gagarine dans l'espace.
Sergio a eu la bonne idée de compléter son affranchissement avec le timbre en haut à gauche, émis le 12 avril 2001 pour commémorer les 40 ans de ce 1er vol spatial !
J'avais déjà évoqué, dans un message précédent, le FDC reçu concernant ce timbre.
This postal stationery was actually put into circulation on April 12 2006 (printing run : 20,000) to commemorate the 45 years of the first manned space flight on April 12 1961. Gagarin was indeed then the first man in space aboard a Vostok 3KA-2 capsule.
The pre-printed stamp (0.60 L) depicts the rocket that carried Gagarin that day before taking off from Baikonur, with a portrait of the cosmonaut on the foreground.
The illustration on the left of this stamp represents the top part of the rocket with the capsule in which Gagarin has done his flight in space.
Sergio had the good idea to add an other stamp in the upper left, issued on April 12 2001 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this 1st space flight !
I've already mentioned in a previous message, the FDC received devoted to this stamp.
A noter l'autre intéressante oblitération spéciale ci-dessus évoquant le festival international de musique à Chisinau, du 1er au 10 mars 2009. Ce festival a lieu pendant les très importantes fêtes de printemps en Moldavie. Cette oblitération évoque "Mărţişor", nom populaire du mois de mars mais aussi nom du cadeau porte-bonheur formé d'un fil rouge (hiver) et blanc (printemps) auquel on attache un petit symbole (coeur, fleur...). Des Mărţişor sont aussi présents sur ce cachet ci-dessus.
Above the other side of this letter with two other stamps as part of a series of four stamps depicting pits (issue on February 19 2008). The two pits above are located in the Orhei and Floresti regions.
It should be noted the other interesting special cancellation above referring to the international music festival in Chisinau, held from 1 to 10 March 2009. This festival takes place during the very important Spring festivities in Moldova. This cancellation refers to "Mărţişor", the popular name for the month of March, but also the name of good-luck gifts consisting of a red (winter) and white (spring) thread on which a small symbol (heart, flower...) is attached. Some of these Mărţişor are also included on the postmark above.
Cette carte (tirage : 1000 exemplaires seulement !) représente un archer dans la Moldavie médiévale. Une 2ème carte postale a été émise montrant un soldat à cheval, avec le 2ème timbre de cette série.
Ces armes, appartenant à un collectionneur privé, font partie d'une exposition internationale au musée de l'armée de Budapest en Hongrie, jusqu'au 25 mars 2009, ce qui est mentionné également sur ces 2 timbres.
Sergio has finally been kind enough to send me this special maxicard above, available during the first day of issue (February 24 2009 in the National Museum of Archeology and History in Chisinau) of two stamps representing some ancient weapons used between the 8th and the 14th century on the territory of Moldova.
This card (printing run of 1,000 copies only !) depicts an archer in the medieval Moldova. A 2nd postcard has been issued showing a soldier on horseback, with the 2nd stamp of this series.
These weapons, belonging to a private collector, are part of an international exhibition held at the Museum of the Army of Budapest, Hungary, until March 25 2009, which is also referred on these two stamps.
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