J'ai pensé aujourd'hui aux adeptes de cette thématique philatélique prisée : les phares !
Nous devons partir pour cela vers l'Europe du nord-est sur la côte baltique de la Lettonie. Depuis 2003, la poste lettone émet ainsi chaque année un timbre "phare" très ludique : une vue du monument en gros plan, une vue du phare de loin dans son environnement, le tout sur une carte de la Lettonie permettant de le situer ! beau travail !
Merci beaucoup Normunds pour les jolies plis ci-dessous :-)
A special mention today to the fans of this popular philatelic theme : the lighthouses !
We have so to travel to north-eastern Europe on the Latvian Baltic coast. Since 2003, the Latvian Post issues each year a very playful "lighthouse" stamp : a monument's close-up view, a view of the lighthouse by far in its environment, the whole on a map of Latvia in order to locate it ! well done !
Thank you very much Normunds for the pretty covers below :-)
Akmeņraga pourrait se traduire par "Cap de pierre". Ce phare rouge de 38 mètres de haut correspond à celui qui a été reconstruit en 1921 après avoir été détruit pendant la 1ère guerre mondiale.
Il y a une trentaine de phares sur les côtes lettones, cette série est donc loin d'être terminée !
This stamp, issued on May 10, 2008, represents the Akmeņraga lighthouse ("bāka" in Latvian), located on the country's western coast, north of the city of Liepaja. The map on the left on the FDC above allows you to locate it more precisely.
Akmeņraga could be translated by "Stone Cape". This red building, 38 metres high, is the one that was rebuilt in 1921 after being destroyed during WWI.
There are some thirty lighthouses on the Latvian coasts, this series is far from the end !
As at the beginning of previous years, the Latvian Post has issued on February 9, 2008 a series of 3 small stamps representing arms of cities in the country. This is one of those 3 stamps showing the arms of Salaspils, which appears on the back of this letter. This town with 21.000 inhabitants, 18 km from Riga (the capital) has greatly suffered throughout history. One of the biggest battle of the 17th century in Europe took place here resulting in thousands of deaths and over 100.000 people died in a Nazi concentration camp built in this city. A memorial recalls today this tragedy with the words "Beyond these gates the earth moans"...
C'était la 1ère fois que le Lettonie recevait l'une des plus importantes épreuves internationales de la course d'orientation, activité sportive (généralement course à pied) de navigation avec carte et boussole. Ventspils étant située sur la côte, les différentes épreuves de cette compétition ont eu lieu dans les dunes de sable. Le logo de ce championnat, qui figure en haut à gauche du timbre et en bas à droite sur l'enveloppe, reprend le symbole internationale de ce sport : un carré avec une moitié blanche et une autre orange. Ce symbole est utilisé sur les balises servant à marquer les points de contrôle sur le parcours, ce que fait l'athlète letton sur ce timbre !
Ce sport est dominé par les pays nordiques, la Suisse ou la Russie mais un français, Thierry Gueorgiou, a remporté ce championnat d'Europe dans la course moyenne distance pour la 3ème fois de suite !
A noter le joli cachet FDC avec une boussole :-)
The city of Ventspils (not far the Akmenraga lighthouse !) hosted the 7th European Orienteering Championships from May,25 to June,1 2008. It was worth issuing a commemorative stamp on last May 23 ! It appears on the pretty FDC above :-)
It was the 1st time that Latvia received one of the most important international Orienteering events, a sports activity (usually cross-country) involving navigation with a map and a compass. Ventspils being located on the Baltic coast, the various events of this competition took place in the sand dunes. The logo of this championship, which appears in the upper left of the stamp and bottom right on the cover, takes over the international symbol of this sport: a square with one white half and an other orange one. This marker is used to designate a control during the course, what is doing the Latvian athlete on the stamp !
This sport is dominated by the Nordic countries, Switzerland or Russia but a French, Thierry Gueorgiou, has won this European Championship in the middle distance race for the third time in a row !
Note the beautiful FDC cancellation with a compass :-)
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