Zeljko fait une collection de timbres liés, entre autres, à la thématique des cigognes.
Il m'a fait partager sa passion en m'envoyant le 8 mai 2008 de Zagreb la jolie lettre ci-dessous. Merci beaucoup :-)
L'illustration à gauche et le gros tampon rond au milieu rappellent en effet que le village croate de Čigoć fut le premier à être désigné "Village européen des cigognes", en 1994, par l'organisation allemande de protection de la nature Euronatur.
Ce tampon a été émis par le club philatélique de Sisak, situé non loin de Čigoć.
C'est amusant de constater comme Čigoć ressemble à Cigogne en français ! ("Roda" en croate).
Zeljko has a collection of stamps relating to, among other things, the storks theme.
He shared his passion with me by sending on May 8, 2008 from Zagreb the pretty letter below. Thank you very much :-)
The illustration on the left and the big round inkpad remind that the Croatian village of Čigoć was the first to be designated "European Stork Village" in 1994 by Euronatur, a German nature conservation organization. This postmark was issued by the stamp club of Sisak, located not far from Čigoć.
It's funny to see as Čigoć resembles as "Cigogne", the French word for "Stork" ! ("Roda" in Croatian).
Quant au timbre à 5 Kn, il fut émis le 16 août 2004 dans la série consacrée aux villes croates et représente le palais Pejačević (style baroque, 1804) de Virovitica. Cette ville de 20000 habitants est située en Slavonie (nord-est du pays) à l'intersection de grands axes routiers et ferroviaires.
Čigoć is located in the Lonjsko Polje Natural Park, south-east of Zagreb. It is said that Čigoć is the village where live more storks than inhabitants ! There is indeed a nest on each wooden house (typical of this region) in which can nest more than 50 storks pairs. Since then, this network of storks villages spread to other countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Spain, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria).
As for the Kn 5 stamp, it was issued on August 16, 2004 in the series devoted to Croatian cities and represents the Pejačević Palace (Baroque style, 1804) of Virovitica. This city of 20.000 inhabitants is located in Slavonia (north-east) at the intersection of major roads and railways.
Le timbre à 1,80 Kn montre une rose de Noël (Helleborus niger, ssp macranthus) appartenant à l'ordre des renonculacées. Cette plante menacée pousse sur les terrains calcaires des Alpes centrales et orientales entre 300 et 1800 mètres d'altitude.
Celui à 2,80 Kn représente une Onosma stellulata, une des 7 plantes du genre Onosma que l'on peut apercevoir en Croatie. Plante rare et protégée, elle est caractérisée par ses fleurs jaunes et ses feuilles pointues.
Le timbre à 3,50 Kn montre une fleur de chèvrefeuille (Lonicera glutinosa), endémique des montagnes Velebit et Biokovo ainsi que de la région Dalmate à la frontière de la Bosnie et du Montenegro.
Ces 3 valeurs ont été émis en feuille de 20 timbres et dans 3 carnets de 10 timbres.
On this "floral" letter above are include 3 stamps issued on March 20, 2008 representing endemic plants of Croatia. Thank you very much Dragan for this cover mailed on May 12, 2008 from Rijeka :-)
The Kn 1.80 stamp shows a Christmas rose (Helleborus niger, ssp macranthus) belonging to the Ranunculaceae order. This threatened plant grows on the limestone land of central and eastern Alps between 300 and 1800 meters above sea level.
The Kn 2.80 one represents a Starflower (Onosma stellulata), one of the 7 Onosma plants of its kind that can be seen in Croatia. Rare and protected Plant, it is characterized by its yellow flowers and sharp leaves.
The Kn 3.50 stamp shows a flower of Sweet honeysuckle (Lonicera glutinosa), an endemic plant from the Velebit and Biokovo mountains and from the Dalmatian region on the border with Bosnia and Montenegro.
These 3 values have been issued in sheet of 20 stamps and 3 booklets of 10 stamps.
Cette carte a été émise le 16 octobre 2001 pour l'ouverture du Salon philatélique international "Hafnia 01" à Copenhague au Danemark, auquel participait la Poste croate.
Le timbre pré-imprimé reproduit une peinture de 1929 d'Oton Postružnik (1900-1978) intitulée "Klek", conservée à la Galerie d'Art moderne de Zagreb.
Dragan also sent me a few days ago this postal stationery (postcard) above, which has unfortunately not been cancelled...
This card was issued on October 16, 2001 for the opening of the World Philatelic Exhibition "Hafnia 01" in Copenhagen, Denmark, in which took part the Croatian Post.
The pre-printed stamp reproduces a painting from 1929 by Oton Postružnik (1900-1978) entitled "Klek", kept at the Modern Art Gallery of Zagreb.

Ce timbre est toutefois moins sombre que celui reproduit sur la carte postale.
Ce tableau a été peint au moment où Postružnik allait traverser une période d'activité importante au sein du groupe artistique "Terre". C'est une oeuvre majeure de sa première période créatrice.
A stamp, reproducing the same painting, was already part of the magnificent series (issued each year) of 3 stamps, issued on December 15, 1999, devoted to contemporary art in Croatia. This stamp is however lighter than the one reproduced on the postcard.
This work was painted when Postružnik was going through a period of significant activity within the "Earth" artistic group. It's a major work of his first creative period.
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