Qui dit Croatie dit côte adriatique avec ses plages, ses îles et ses eaux turquoises !
Mais c'est aussi Zagreb, sa magnifique capitale, Dubrovnik, Porec...et l'extraordinaire Parc national des lacs de Plitvice, l'un des 6 sites croates (le seul site naturel) inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO !
Curieusement, ce site n'avait été que très peu timbrifié par la Poste croate...Elle s'est rattrapée en émettant le 25 avril 2008 un carnet de 10 timbres se-tenant (tirage : 20000) représentant une des nombreuses cascades du Parc.
Les 3 timbres situés en haut à droite de ce carnet figurent sur cette jolie lettre ci-dessous.
Merci beaucoup Dubravko pour ce courrier posté le 26 mai dernier de Belišće (région de Slavonie, nord-est du pays, non loin de la frontière hongroise) !
Who says Croatia says Adriatic coast with its beaches, islands and turquoise sea !
But Croatia is also Zagreb, the beautiful capital city, Dubrovnik, Porec...and the extraordinary Plitvice Lakes National Park, one of the six sites in Croatia (the only natural site) on the UNESCO World Heritage list !
Curiously, this site didn't appear very often on Croatian stamps...The Croatian Post has put things right by issuing on April 25, 2008 a booklet of 10 se-tenant stamps (quantity : 20.000) representing one of the many waterfalls of this Park.
The 3 stamps located in the upper right of this booklet are on this beautiful cover below.
Thank you very much Dubravko for this letter mailed on last May 26 from Belišće (region of Slavonia, north-east of the country, note far from the Hungarian border) !
Une forêt primitive fait aussi partie du Parc où vivent des espèces végétales (plus de 70 plantes endémiques) et animales (ours bruns, loups, 160 espèces d'oiseaux...) rares.
This National Park covering an area of 295 sq km, located halfway between Zagreb and Zadar, was created in 1949 to preserve this unique site consisting of 16 major lakes connected by 92 waterfalls. These lakes and waterfalls are caused by sedimentary barriers resulting, for millennia, from water flows through the limestone and chalk. This geological process continues at the present time.
A primitive forest is also part of the park in which live some rare plant species (more than 70 endemic plants) and animal species (brown bears, wolves, 160 birds species...).

Deux carnets de 10 timbres similaires avaient déjà été émis en 2005 (île de Hvar) et 2006 (supporteurs croates avec le fameux drapeau à carreaux rouges et blancs).
Très bon concept je trouve, non ?
You can see above all the ten stamps in this booklet. The theme of this annual series is actually "Greetings from Croatia" ("Pozdrav iz Hrvatske" in Croatian), which is appropriately issued before the summer holiday ! The Croatian Post has made things very well since 2 postcards, each representing the half of the waterfall above, are also available in this booklet...
Two similar booklets of 10 stamps had already been issued in 2005 (island of Hvar) and 2006 (Croatian supporters with the famous red and white checks flag).
Very good concept I think, isnt'it ?
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