C'était ma 1ère visite au Salon du Timbre de Paris, le jeudi 19 juin après-midi !
Je dois avouer que ce n'était pas de tout repos...Merci aux enfants pour le son et merci à La Poste pour l'image :-)
Et quel contraste entre les stands de vente bondés des émissions de timbres "1er jour" et le peu de monde aux stands des marchands, de la FFAP ou de la CNEP (l'emplacement de leurs stands respectifs ne les a pas beaucoup aidé...).
Beau succès également des animations pour les scolaires (calligraphie, origami...) même si je ne vois toujours pas le rapport avec notre monde de la philatélie ??
It was my first visit to the "Salon du Timbre" in Paris, on last thursday, June 19 afternoon !
I've to confess that it was not really restful...Thank you to the children for the sound and thank you to the French "La Poste" for the picture :-)
And what a contrast between the crowded stands selling the "First Day" stamps and the out-of-the-way stands of merchants, the FFAP (French Federation of Philatelic Associations) or the CNEP (Chamber of Philately Merchants and Experts), the location of their respective stands didn't really help them...
A nice success also for the special animations for schoolchildren (calligraphy, origami...) even if I still can not see the link with our world of the philately ??
En bas à gauche, j'ai ajouté 3 des 13 nouvelles "Mariannes et l'Europe" avec l'oblitération "1er jour" correspondante, en date du 17 juin 2008. J'ai lu beaucoup de critiques concernant cette nouvelle Marianne de Beaujard, je dois dire que moi, je la trouve plutôt réussie !
Peut-être certains d'entre vous recevrons une lettre comme celle-ci, surprise :-))
Who says French Stamp Exhibition, says issue of special ATM :-) And no less than three this time ! They appear on the cover above with their three respective cancellations (with the current French Economic rate €0.50).
At the bottom left, I added 3 of the 13 new "Marianne and Europe" with the corresponding FDC cancellation of June 17, 2008. I've read many criticisms about this new Marianne (by the engraver Beaujard), I must say that I find it rather successful !
Maybe some of you will receive soon a letter like this one :-))
J'aime beaucoup celle consacrée au cirque, pleine de couleurs, et celle en bas commémorant le 81ème congrès de le FFAP avec une jolie vue du Grand-Palais. A noter qu'un joli timbre gravé a également été émis pendant ce Salon pour annoncer ce congrès.
La 3ème en haut à droite, représentant différents monuments de Paris, m'a déçu par son manque de netteté...
Pour les amateurs, ci-dessus les 6 machines installées (deux pour chaque vignette) avec au fond à gauche le stand des oblitérations.
These three ATM were printed in four colors by the French printing house in Périgueux.
I love the one devoted to circus, full of colors, and also the bottom one commemorating the 81st FFAP Congress with a nice view of the Grand Palais in Paris. Note that a pretty engraving stamp was also issued during the fair to announce this Congress.
I was disappointed by the third one in the upper right, representing different monuments of Paris, not very sharp...
For the ATM enthusiasts, above the 6 installed machines (two for each ATM) with at the background left the cancellations stand.
Above close-up view of the two machines (payment only with coins) issuing the ATM showing the monuments of Paris (Notre-Dame cathedral, Sacred Heart, fountain of Innocents). The ATM were at hand in the bottom left, as shown on the machine on the left above. The price printed on the ATM had to be free (from €0.50) or to be selected according to weight and destination.
Above the central stand of the French Post where were available a (excessive ?) list of stamps issued during the 9 days of this Fair. Some interesting issues with the little sheet featuring the new "Mariannes", the "Salon du Timbre 2008" sheet (I'll speak about further), the 6 special sheets about the France-Canada joint issue (I thought to you Garnet !!).
Je ne vous raconte pas l'état de leur bras à la fin du Salon !
Above a special tribute to the friendly and very courageous "cancellers" (12 different cancellations !). I specify that this photo was of course taken after their permission :-)
I imagine the state of their arms at the end of the Show !
9 comportaient la nouvelle Marianne TVP rouge (ci-dessus) et 9 le timbre Van Gogh ("Mademoiselle Gachet dans son jardin", 1890) (ci-dessous), avec à chaque fois la mention "France Lettre Prioritaire". Ce dernier timbre faisait partie du carnet de 10 timbres autocollants, émis en 2006, représentant des oeuvres de peintres impressionnistes.
Above one of the 18 Postal Stationery directly printed during this Stamp Fair.
9 included the new red permanent Marianne (see above) and 9 the Van Gogh stamp ("Miss Gachet in her Garden", 1890) (see below), whith the words "France Lettre Prioritaire". This stamp was part of the booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps issued in 2006, representing works by Impressionist painters.
These Postal Stationery were available with various illustrations : logo of the Show (with six colors : green, blue, orange, pink, yellow and purple) and poster of the Show (3 different around the "Stamp Planet" theme, as the desert above). To mark this event, I did apply the special Phil@poste cancellation, dated June 19, available throughout the Exhibition :-)
Ci-dessus une vue de cette machine. Les PAP en étant extrait sur un tapis roulant sur la partie gauche de la machine (voir ci-dessous).
These 18 Postal Stationery were printed directly on site thanks to the Meteor DP60 machine, the new digital color printing press of the MGI company. I've to confess that the result is quite impressive !
Above a view of this machine. The Postal Stationery being available on a treadmill on the left side of the machine (see below).
Or, dans le n° Philinfo de juillet-août reçu hier, ces PAP sont en vente par 5 au prix de 4,20€ !
On nous aurait menti ? Les 2 mêmes timbres Marianne et Van Gogh sont proposés. Dans cette offre, 3 PAP comportent les 3 affiches du Salon et 2 PAP le logo (en version vert et bleu). Ces PAP sont-ils différents de ceux vendus pendant le Salon ? l'avenir le dira...
Please note that these Postal Stationery should be available only during this fair (according to the charming hostess we couldn't miss because located directly on the right at the entrance !)...
However, in the last French Philatelic "Philinfo" (July-August issue) I received yesterday, these Postal Stationery can be purchased by 5 at a price of €4.20 !
Who is lying ? The two same Marianne and Van Gogh stamps are proposed. In this offer, 3 Postal Stationery include the 3 posters of the Show and 2 other the logo (in green and blue). Are these Postal Stationery different from those sold during the Exhibition ? Wait and see...
Ces blocs ont une particularité, ils comportent plusieurs éléments dorés, appliqués grâce à la machine "Heidelberg" ci-dessus. Cette machine d'un autre âge est spécialisée dans la dorure à chaud, ce que techniquement, des machines plus récentes ne peuvent plus effectuer !!
Finally, a special souvenir sheet was available during this 2008 Salon du Timbre, as it was already the case during the 2004 and 2006 Stamp Fairs. This sheet was composed with the four stamps "Gardens of Lyon" issued in 2007 and "Gardens of Marseille" issued in 2008.
These sheets have a particularity, they include several gilded elements, applied thanks to the "Heidelberg" machine above. This machine of other times is specialized in hot gilding that newer machines can no longer technically perform !!
Ce papier ne comporte pas un seul gramme d'or, c'est un peu comme du papier cadeau doré...
Bravo au technicien de l'imprimerie du Timbre qui faisait fonctionner cette machine et qui a répondu à mes nombreuses questions avec beaucoup de passion et de professionnalisme !
D'autres news ramenées de ce Salon dans un prochain message :-)
On this close-up view above, we see the "virgin" sheet on the left and the same sheet with its golden elements on the right (the various elements, insects, are excerpts from a golden paper roll which parts are shown above).
This paper doesn't contain a single gram of gold, it's a bit like a golden paper for gifts...
Congratulations to the technician from the French Printing house who was operating this machine and who answered to my many questions with great passion and professionalism !
Other news from this Exhibition in an upcoming post :-)
2 commentaires:
Eric: I like your post about the stamp salon very much. Thank you for showing us pictures, very interesting and now I know how the famous ATM machines look like. I have heard that there were usually a very long line for these ATMs, but on your pictures, there was just 1 or 2 people? You went real early?
thanks for your comment :-)
you know there are a lot of different ATM machines in the world, but it's right that French Post always uses the machines shown on my photo to issue the LISA labels.
I've visited this "Salon du timbre" a thursday that's why there were not too many people in front of these machines...I think it was not the same during the weekend !
And these ATM are not so prized in France than in other countries... that's why there were more foreign than French visitors at these machines!
bye Eric
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