Le 7 septembre 2011, la poste indienne a émis un timbre (tirage : 300000) consacré à Veer Teja (1074-1103) ou Tejaji Maharaj.
C'est ce timbre, conçu par Nenu Gupta, qui figure en 2 exemplaires sur le FDC ci-dessous. Merci beaucoup S. S. Rath :-)
Veer Teja fut un des nombreux chefs de clan vivant au Rajasthan (nord-ouest de l'Inde actuelle), connu pour sa bravoure, ses valeurs et ses actes de bienfaisance. Selon une légende, il aurait été tué après un âpre combat contre des dacoïts (bandes armées).
Il fut alors vénéré comme un dieu et de nombreux temples furent construits en son honneur à travers tout le Rajasthan.
On September 7, 2011, India Post has issued a stamp (print run : 300,000) devoted to Veer Teja (1074-1103) or Tejaji Maharaj.
It is this stamp, designed by Nenu Gupta, that appears in two copies of the FDC below. Thank you very much S. S. Rath :-)
Veer Teja was one of the many chieftains living in Rajasthan (northwest of current India), known for his bravery, his values and his acts of charity. According to legend, he was killed after a fierce battle against the dacoits (groups of armed bandits).
He was then revered as a deity and many temples were built in his honor all over Rajasthan.

Ce timbre (5 roupies), conçu par Alka Sharma, rend hommage au romancier, éditeur, dramaturge et metteur en scène de cinéma indien Tripuraneni Gopichand (1910-1962).
T. Gopichand fut une des plus grandes figures de la littérature de langue télougou, parlée dans le centre-est et la côte est de l'Inde.
Son ouvrage "Asamardhuni Jeevayatra" est considéré comme le premier roman psychologique écrit dans cette langue.
S. S. Rath has also sent me the second FDC below issued a day later (September 8, 2011) with another interesting cancellation from Bhubaneswar.
This stamp (5 rupees), designed by Alka Sharma, is paying tribute to the Indian novelist, editor, playwright and film director Tripuraneni Gopichand (1910-1962).
T. Gopichand was one of the greatest literary figures of Telugu language, spoken in east-central and eastern coast of India.
His book "Asamardhuni Jeevayatra" ("The Incompetent's Life Journey") is considered the first psychological novel written in this language.

What a pity that a hand postmark from Bhubaneswar was applied on these two FDC on September 19, 2011...
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