Comme les années précédentes, j'ai eu la chance de recevoir récemment plusieurs souvenirs philatéliques, liés aux festivités de Noël, envoyés, entre autres, par les administrations postales de la principauté du Liechtenstein et du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg :)
La carte postale ci-dessous, émise par la poste du Liechtenstein, reproduit une aquarelle de l'artiste peintre Hermy Geissmann-Mittelberger (née à Eschen en 1955) représentant la petite chapelle Saint-Wendelin et Martin am Steg (18ème siècle), située entre Malbun et Triesenberg.
As in previous years, I was lucky to receive recently several philatelic souvenirs, devoted to Christmas festivities, sent, among others, by the postal administrations of the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg :)
The postcard below, issued by the Post of Liechtenstein, reproduced a watercolor by painter Hermy Geissmann-Mittelberger (born in Eschen in 1955) depicting the small chapel of St. Wendelin and Martin am Steg (18th century), located between Malbun and Triesenberg.

Cette série de timbres est consacrée cette année à différentes crèches de la principauté. Celle ci-dessus, fabriquée en 1982 par Heinz Ritter, originaire de Schaanwald, est installée dans l'église paroissiale Maria Himmelfahrt de Bendern. Certaines figurines en bois de cette crèche mesurent 1 mètre de haut.
A noter que, pour la première fois, cette série de Noël a été imprimée sur papier autocollant.
The stamp above (1.40 CHF) is part of the set of three Christmas stamps issued on November 14, 2011. Stephanie Keiser, graphic designer from Triesen, has designed this series as well as the FDC postmark above featuring a star.
This series of stamps is devoted this year to different Xmas cribs of the Principality. The one above, constructed in 1982 by Heinz Ritter of Schaanwald, is installed today in the parish church of the Assumption in Bendern. Some wooden figures of this crib are almost a meter in height.
To note that, for the first time, this series of Christmas was printed on self-adhesive paper.

Pour rappel, les 2 précédentes cartes similaires émises en 2009 et 2010 comportaient respectivement des poèmes des écrivains autrichiens Rainer Maria Rilke et allemand Theodor Storm.
The other side of this card above includes a Christmas poem by German writer Thomas Mann (1875-1955), Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929.
As a reminder, the two previous similar cards issued in 2009 and 2010 included respectively poems by Austrian writer Rainer Maria Rilke and German writer Theodor Storm.

Ce timbre festif (une famille dégustant des biscuits), imprimé en offset avec senteur (canelle ?) par la "bpost Stamps Factory" de Malines, a été conçu par l'artiste luxembourgeoise Muriel Moritz (née en 1976), connue pour ces illustrations de livres pour enfants.
Muriel Moritz a également conçu une série de 4 cartes postales de bienfaisance "Neijoerschdagspost 2011" (7,85€) pré-timbrées avec le timbre de Noël ci-dessus (sans valeur faciale, valable pour un envoi vers l'Europe).
The Stamps Office of Luxembourg has, once again, not chosen a religious topic for its Christmas stamp issued on December 6, 2011. This stamp, issued with a surcharge of € 0.05 in favor of the "Grand Duchess Charlotte's National Work Relief " appears on the special card above, with its FDC cancellation issued in Luxembourg.
This festive stamp (a family savoring biscuits), printed in offset with scent (cinnamon ?) by "bpost Stamps Factory" in Mechelen, was designed by Luxembourg's artist Muriel Moritz (born 1976), known for her children's books illustrations.
Muriel Moritz has also designed a set of four Charity "Neijoerschdagspost 2011" postcards (€ 7.85) pre-stamped with the Christmas stamp above (without nominal value, valid for a shipment to Europe).
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