Je ne reçois pas si souvent ce type de lettre...c'est un magnifique exemple de "Mail Art" en provenance des Etats-Unis !
Merci beaucoup Mike pour cette oeuvre d'art géante (24x32cm !), postée le 21 mars 2008 de Caro, dans le Michigan. L'Art Postal (ou Mail Art) désigne des créations artistiques qui voyagent à découvert par voie postale.
En observant cette enveloppe, je me demandais ce qui avait pu passer par la tête de Mike pour choisir tel collage plutôt qu'un autre ? Il me semble reconnaître des peintures de la Chapelle Sixtine, un coquelot, une pomme, une araignée, le croissant et l'étoile (aujourd'hui symboles de l'islam)...peut-être Mike pourra répondre s'il lit ce message !
I don't receive so often this kind of's in fact a magnificent example of "Mail Art" from the United States !
Thank you Mike for this giant work of art (24x32cm !), posted March 21, 2008 from Caro, Michigan. Mail Art refers to artistic creations that travel by Post.
By observing this cover, I wondered what had been coming into Mike's mind to choose a collage rather than another ? It seems to me to recognize paintings from the Sistine Chapel, a coquelot, an apple, a spider, the crescent and star (today symbols of Islam)...Mike will maybe answer if he reads this post !
J'ai déjà évoquer ce joli timbre autocollant de l'année du rat dans un message précédent. Ce timbre a été émis en mini-feuille de 12 timbres (4 rangées de 3 timbres). Vous en avez un aperçu en haut à droite avec la mention "Celebrating Lunar New Year" :-)
Le timbre de petit format, émis le 24 janvier 2003 puis réémis le 4 août 2006, est le 2ème timbre de l'USPS consacré au Design américain. Il représente une horloge créée vers 1805 par un certain Willard, du Massachusetts. Le cadran est en fer peint et la caisse en acajou surmontée par un aigle en laiton.
Vu le nombre de timbres à oblitérer, le bureau de poste de Caro a eu la bonne idée d'utiliser un cachet d'oblitération rond et curieusement rouge !! Il n'est malheureusement pas très lisible...
But let's go back to philately ! 9 stamps (41c) celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Rat, issued on January 9, 2008, were used as well as 4 definitive stamps (10c) representing an American clock.
I already mention this nice self-adhesive stamp of the year of the Rat in a previous post. This stamp was issued in mini-sheet of 12 stamps (4 rows of 3 stamps). You can see a glimpse at the top right with the words "Celebrating Lunar New Year" :-)
The little-size stamp, issued January 24, 2003 and reissued on August 4, 2006, is the 2nd of USPS stamp about the American Design. It represents a clock designed around 1805 by a certain Willard, from Massachusetts. The dial is in painted iron and the case in mahogany crowned by a brass eagle.
Given the high number of stamps to cancel, the Caro Post Office had this great idea to use a round, and curiously red, cancellation ! Unfortunately, it is not very readable...
2 commentaires:
You are right--it is mail art. There are multiple elements here and they may seem like ecclectic elements, but there is a method to my madness. The wizard at the bottom is observing the crescent and the star (I have altered the use of the Islamic symbol). The Chinese Lunar New Year is also embracing the moon through festival. The sistene chapel art draws ones eyes upward to focus on the sky god--so there is a reoccuring theme through out the piece--celestial elements. These elements remind us of the vastness of the universe-and the celestial bodies give us a glimpse into the cosmos. The telescope, the allee/tunnel are elements suggesting perspective of our surroundings. That which is just outside our grasp--may provide us with a focus a goal. Focusing may illuminate our goals and paradoxically expand our perspective. The spider and the poppy are less lofty but still beautiful and if we take the time to observe what is around us--we see the exquisite beauty of the web, the poppy petals etc. As far as the apple--it is red to match the red elements on the cover--if you cut an apple in half--you will find a star shape in the center--again another celestial emlement. Hope this helps explain my intent.
Ps Hope you liked the contents of the envelope.
Best wishes,
Thank you Mike for this very interesting comment. I understand better now how you proceed !
This cover was really very nice !
Thank you also for the nice different attached stamps ! the Star War M/S is now added in my collection and I'm so proud about that !
Thanks again :-)
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