Plus que 116 jours avant l'ouverture des prochains jeux olympiques de Beijing !
Le parcours chaotique de la flamme olympique à travers le monde fait qu'il est difficile de nous enthousiasmer pour ces jeux...J'espère que la Chine profitera de cet événement planétaire pour nous montrer un meilleur visage en respectant les droits fondamentaux des minorités vivant sur son territoire et la liberté d'expression.
Mais revenons à la philatélie : c'est au tour du Vietnam d'émettre le 15 mars 2008 une série de 4 timbres consacrés à ces jeux.
Ces 4 timbres figurent sur la jolie enveloppe FDC ci-dessous. Merci beaucoup Tram Ha pour cette lettre postée le 15 mars 2008 de Tan Son Nhat :-)
It remains 116 days before the opening of the next Olympic Games in Beijing !
The chaotic journey of the Olympic flame around the world makes it difficult to excite us for these games...I hope that China will benefit from this world event to show a better face while respecting fundamental rights of minorities living on its territory and freedom of expression.
But let's go back to philately : it's the turn of Vietnam to issue on March 15, 2008 a series of 4 stamps about these games.
These 4 stamps appear on the nice FDC below. Thank you very much Tram Ha for thisletter mailed on March 15, 2008 from Tan Son Nhat city :-)
C'est vrai concernant le wushu et le taekwondo, représentés sur les 2 timbres du haut. On reste plus circonspect concernant la natation et le canoë-kayak, sur les 2 timbres du bas...
Dans l'histoire des jeux olympiques, le Vietnam n'a gagné qu'une seule médaille grâce à Hieu Ngan Tran, médaille d'argent en taekwondo féminin lors des jeux de Sydney en 2000.
Le wushu, art martial d'origine chinoise, sera un sport de démonstration à Beijing, avec des compétitions de Sanshou et Taolu.
Les 4 timbres, avec leurs formes originales en losange et leur couleurs vives, dégagent une impression de mouvement assez réussie je trouve !
Le logo de ces jeux "Beijing en dansant", inspiré de la forme des sceaux traditionnels chinois, figure sur chaque timbre et sur les oblitérations "1er jour", difficile de faire original en la matière...
Enfin, en bas à gauche sur l'enveloppe figure le magnifique stade national en forme de nid d'oiseau qui accueillera les épreuves d'athlétisme et de football, en plus des cérémonies d'ouverture et de clôture. 91000 spectateurs pourront y assister !
The Vietnamese Post has chosen 4 sporting events for which Vietnamese athletes will have a chance to win medals during these games !
It's true about Wushu and Taekwondo, represented on the top 2 stamps. It remains more cautious about swimming and canoeing, on the 2 stamps on the bottom...
In the history of the Olympic Games, Vietnam has won only one medal thanks to Hieu Ngan Tran, silver medal in women's taekwondo in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
The Wushu, a martial art of Chinese origin, will be in fact a demonstration sport in Beijing, with Taolu and Sanshou competitions.
These 4 stamps, diamond-shaped with bright colors, give an impression of movement I find quite successful !
The logo of these games "Beijing dancing", inspired by the shape of traditional Chinese seals, appears on each stamp and on the "1st Day" cancellations, not easy to be original...
Finally, at the bottom left on the cover is shown the magnificent national stadium in shape of Bird's nest, which will host the athletics and soccer events, in addition to opening and closing ceremonies. 91.000 spectators are expected !
3 commentaires:
hi! Tan Son Nhat post, not city.
How do you know that the fundamental rights of national minorities in P.R.China are less respected?
Have you ever been in the regions where the national minorities live???
You got those informations only from the IRREAL reports.
Once you ever journey to those regions, you will change your mind.
Thanks for your comment from China.
You know, French people would like so much to wish Chinese people a more democratic society with freedom of expression in all the Chinese mass medias, no censure, the respect of human rights, the death's penalty abolition...
As a French citizen, I'm not against China and Chinese great people, I'm against the present Chinese Regim that don't allow you to speak freely and to have access to all the internet website without censure...
You know, in France and western countries, we see on TV or on internet some movies or pictures that you can't watch (in particularly about the last troubles in Tibet...) because they're censured inside China. That's why Chinese people don't understand why European countries are reacting like that at this moment.
But for me, nothing will explain violent acts like the one you've maybe seen (?) during olympics Torch Relay in Paris, in particularly against a Chinese disabled woman ! I condamn strongly these acts.
Everybody should speak and explain its positions with no violence.
I've visited your country in 2004 (Beijing, Xian, Guilin, Shanghai..), it was one of the greatest moment of my life ! Your wonderful country and civilization deserves more than your current political regime.
I hope hearing from you soon :-)
Eric from France, a friend country of Chinese people !
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