Le 15 janvier 2012, la poste indienne a émis un timbre commémoratif consacré à Bhai Jagta Ji.
Bhai Jagta Ji était un des saints de l'ordre Sewa Panthi, une institution humanitaire qui fut un des précurseurs de la Croix-Rouge.
Merci beaucoup S. S. Rath pour le FDC ci-dessous concernant ce timbre (tirage : 400000) conçu par Brahm Prakash :-)
A noter le timbre à date Premier Jour, conçu par Alka Sharma, émis à Bhubaneswar.
On January 15, 2012, the India Post has issued a commemorative stamp devoted to Bhai Jagta Ji.
Bhai Jagta Ji was one of the saints of the Sewa Panthi order, a humanitarian institution which was a forerunner of the Red Cross.
Thank you very much S. S. Rath for the FDC below issued for this stamp (print run : 400,000) designed by Brahm Prakash :-)
To note the FDC cancellation, designed by Alka Sharma, issued in Bhubaneswar.

Après l'indépendance de l'Inde en 1947, un Tikana fut établit à Goniana Mandi (état du Penjab). Il porte aujourd'hui son nom et est le centre spirituel principal de l'ordre Sewa Panthi en Inde.
Bhai Jagta Ji, born in a district located in Pakistan today, was considered as a compassionate and merciful gnostic, an apostle of peace, revered by kings, maharajas, saints, the disabled, poor and even people who hated him for whom he had helped.
After Indian independence in 1947, a Tikana was established in Goniana Mandi (State of Punjab). It's now named after Bhai Jagta Ji and is the main spiritual center ot the Sewa Panthi order in India.
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