Et un pays de plus !
Merci Baris pour cette jolie lettre recommandée, postée le 1er mars 2008 de la ville de Bursa.
Après Karaoğlan en 2006, la Poste turque (Turkish Post) a célébré un nouveau héros de dessin animé turc en 2007 : Keloğlan, le "garçon chauve".
4 jolis timbres commémoratifs de grand format ont été émis à cette occasion, avec 1er jour le 29 novembre 2007.
Keloğlan est un personnage célèbre d'un conte populaire turc datant du début du 18ème siècle.
Les récits le dépeignent comme un garçon pauvre et sans instruction, mais toujours plein d'esprit.
And one more country !
Thank you Baris for this lovely letter, posted on March 1, 2008 from the city of Bursa.
After Karaoğlan in 2006, the Turkish Post has celebrated a new Turkish cartoon heroes in 2007 : Keloğlan, the "Bald Boy".
Four nice large format commemorative stamps have been issued on this occasion, with 1st day of issue on November 29, 2007.
Keloğlan is a famous character from a Turkish folk tale dating from the early 18th century.
The tales depicted him as a poor and uneducated, but always witty boy.
Tout le monde pense qu'il est possible de profiter de lui, même parfois sa propre famille !
Mais Keloğlan passe rapidement à l'action dès la première injustice perpétrée contre lui et l'emporte à chaque fois.
Keloğlan has the particularity of being bald since his early age. He is the youngest of the family (sometimes nicknamed the "runt"...), and is never taken seriously at first because of his physical appearance and his poor clothes...
Everyone thinks that it is possible to take advantage of him, even his own family !
But Keloğlan goes quickly into action at the first injustice perpetrated against him and wins at every time.

Ci-dessus la série complète émise par la république turque ("Türkiye Cumhuriyeti") libellée en nouvelles piastres ("Yeni kuruş"), subdivisions de la nouvelles livre turque.
A ma connaissance, ce dessin animé n'est pas arrivé jusqu'à chez nous, dommage non ? Savez-vous si ce personnage a franchi (sur son âne !) les frontières de la Turquie ?
Keloğlan is often seen as a kind of mirror reflecting the ideals and aspirations of society.
You can see above the complete set issued by the Republic of Turkey ("Türkiye Cumhuriyeti") denominated in new piastres ("Yeni kuruş"), subdivisions of the new Turkish lira.
To my knowledge, this cartoon did not come up with us, too bad !
Do you know if this character has crossed (with his donkey !) the Turkish borders ?
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