Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai reçu une petite surprise d'Italie, de Giaveno (Turin) plus précisément. Merci beaucoup Luca :-)
Tout d'abord, l'enveloppe en elle-même ci-dessous.
Le timbre de gauche fait partie de la jolie série courante italienne dédiée aux femmes à travers l'art. Ce timbre gravé à 0,85€, émis le 17 février 2004, reproduit une partie du célèbre tableau "Les courtisanes" (huile sur bois), peint vers 1495 par le peintre de l'école vénitienne Vittore Carpaccio (1460-1526). Ce tableau est conservé au Musée civique Correr à Venise.
A few weeks ago, I received a little surprise from Italy, from Giaveno (Turin) more precisely. Thank you very much Luca :-)
First, the envelope itself below.
The stamp on the left is part of the beautiful Italian definitive series dedicated to women through Art. This €0.85 engraved stamp, issued on February 17, 2004, reproduced a portion of the famous painting "The courtesans" (oil on wood), painted around 1495 by the painter of the Venetian school, Vittore Carpaccio (1460-1526). This work of art can be seen in the civic Correr Museum in Venice.
Ce timbre a été émis en avant-première à Sant'Agata Bolognese où se situe le siège social de l'entreprise, créée en 1963 par Ferruccio Lamborghini. Le timbre reproduit le logo de l'entreprise montrant un taureau, le signe zodiacal de Lamborghini et rend hommage au modèle Miura. A noter qu'à l'origine, cette entreprise fabriquait des tracteurs agricoles et qu'elle fait partie du groupe Audi depuis 1998.
The 2nd stamp, issued on May 23, 2007, is devoted to the famous Italian car brand Lamborghini. It is part of the series "Made in Italy" which extols the past several years, the country's flagship products such as icecream, Carrara marble, food product or fashion...
The stamp was issued first in Sant'Agata Bolognese where are located the headquarters of the company, founded in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini. The stamp reproduces the company's logo showing a bull, the zodiacal sign of Lamborghini and pays tribute to the car model Miura. It should be noted that initially, this company manufactured agricultural tractors and is now part of the Audi Group since 1998.

Ci-dessus et ci-dessous figurent les 6 FDC des Nations Unies que Luca a eu la gentillesse de m'envoyer dans cette lettre !
Afin d'être plus synthétique, j'ai regroupé ces 6 FDC par bureau : 2 pour celui de New-York, 2 pour celui de Genève et 2 pour celui de Vienne.
Comme chaque émission de l'APNU (Administration Postale des Nations Unies), celle-ci a donc été émise simultanément dans les 3 bureaux (avec 3 oblitérations "1er jour" différentes) le 21 septembre 2006, la journée internationale des Nations Unies pour la paix.
Les 6 timbres reproduisent des dessins d'enfants lauréats d'un concours organisé par le Lions Clubs International sur le thème "Mon rêve de paix un jour".
Ci-dessus, les 2 timbres du bureau de Vienne dessinés par 2 enfants allemands et indonésiens.
Now let's speak about the surprise :-)
Above and below are shown the six FDC from the United Nations that Luca was kind enough to send me in his letter !
In order to be more synthetic, I grouped these 6 FDC by office : 2 for the New York's one, 2 for the Geneva's one and 2 for the Vienna's one.
As each issue of the UNPA (United Nations Postal Administration), this one was issued simultaneously in the three offices (with 3 different FDC cancellations) on September 21, 2006, the UN International Day of Peace.
The six stamps reproduce drawings by children who have won a contest organized by the Lions Clubs International on the theme "My dream for peace one day".
Above, the two stamps issued by the Vienna office designed by two children from Germany and Indonesia.

L'illustration à gauche des enveloppes est l'oeuvre d'un enfant japonais.
Les Nations Unies sont la seule organisation au monde autorisée à émettre des timbres sans être ni un Etat ni un territoire. C’est aussi la seule à émettre des timbres dans trois monnaies différentes : dollar américain, franc suisse et euro (remplaçant le shilling autrichien).
Above the 2 stamps issued by the Geneva office, reproducing drawings of children from USA and Italy. Below 2 drawings by children from Thailand and Hong Kong featured on the stamps of the New York office.
The illustration on the left on these covers is the work of a Japanese child.
The United Nations is the only organization in the world authorized to issue stamps without being neither a state nor a territory. It is also the only one to issue stamps in three different currencies: U.S. dollar, Swiss franc and Euro (replacing the Austrian shilling).

Les sujets timbrifiés par l'APNU sont bien sûr liés aux activités des Nations Unies : paix, droits de l'homme, environnement, espèces en danger...
For the anecdote, it's Argentina which proposed in 1947 that the United Nations issue its own stamps. The first United Nations stamps denominated in U.S. dollars, were issued on October 24, 1951 in New York, following an agreement with the USPS. Similar agreements will follow with the Swiss (in 1968) and Austrian (in 1979) postal administrations. More than 1.000 stamps have been issued since 1951, printed by government printing offices but also private security printing firms.
The themes on the stamps of the UNPA are obviously related to the activities of the United Nations : peace, human rights, environment, endangered species...
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