La poste brésilienne n'a pas fait les choses à moitié pour permettre à ses clients de fêter dignement les fêtes de Noël et de nouvelle année sur leurs courriers !
Le 16 octobre 2009 ont en effet été émis 6 timbres représentant des crèches situées dans le quartier "Ana Rech" de la ville de Caxias do Sul, un timbre autocollant représentant une guirlande de Noël et un très joli bloc-feuillet de 2 timbres montrant des anges au milieu d'étoiles.
Ce bloc et le timbre autocollant (en 5 exemplaires) figurent sur la splendide lettre recommandée ci-dessous postée le 25 novembre 2009 de São Paulo, avec l'oblitération "1er jour" du 16 octobre 2009 émise logiquement à Caxias do Sul (état du Rio Grande do Sul).
Merci beaucoup Marcelo :-)
The Brazilian Post has not done things halfway to allow its customers to properly celebrate Christmas and New Year on their letters !
On October 16, 2009 were indeed issued six stamps depicting Nativity cribs located in the district "Ana Rech" part of the city of Caxias do Sul, a self-adhesive stamp featuring a Christmas wreath and a beautiful souvenir sheet of two stamps showing angels among stars.
This sheet and the self-adhesive stamp (in five copies) are included on the beautiful registered cover below posted on November 25, 2009 in São Paulo, with the FDC cancellation of October 16, 2009 issued logically in Caxias do Sul (State of Rio Grande do Sul).
Thank you very much Marcelo :-)
La poste brésilienne émet des timbres consacrés aux festivités de Noël depuis plus de 40 ans.
J'aime beaucoup le bloc-feuillet ci-dessus (conçu par Thereza Regina Barja Fidalgo) avec ces 2 anges dorés, ces créatures célestes, messagers de Dieu, symboles de paix, de légèreté et de douceur...
A noter qu'une encre luminescente spéciale (bleue, rouge et jaune) a été utilisée pour la conception de ce bloc, qui permet de distinguer de très intéressants détails sous une lampe UV...
This "Ana Rech" district of the city of Caxias do Sul is known as the "village of the Nativity" because, at Christmas time, many cribs are installed in gardens, streets and squares...
The Brazilian Post issues stamps devoted to the Christmas festivities for over 40 years.
I love the souvenir sheet above (designed by Thereza Regina Barja Fidalgo) with these two golden angels, heavenly creatures, messengers of God, symbols of peace, lightness and softness...
It's worth noting that a special luminescent ink (blue, red and yellow) was used for the design of this sheet, allowing to distinguish some very interesting details under an UV light...
Ce bloc figure sur cette autre lettre recommandée ci-dessus, avec les 2 oblitérations "1er jour" de São Paulo et d'Evora. Encore merci Marcelo :-)
Vous pouvez ainsi observer sur ce bloc les oiseaux suivants, jamais timbrifiés auparavant : un paroare huppé (Paroaria coronata), un coq-de-roche orange (Rupicola rupicola), un organiste à nuque bleue (Chlorophonia cyanea), un porphyrin à bec jaune (Porphyrospiza caerulescens), un calliste à tête bleue (Tangara cyanocephala) et un troupiale à tête rouge (Amblyramphus holosericeus).
A noter que le logo de l'expo LUBRAPEX figure logiquement dans la marge inférieure de ce bloc mais aussi le logo de la 6ème édition de l'expo philatélique internationale "Birdpex 2010" consacrée à la thématique des oiseaux, organisée tous les 4 ans. Après Nørresundby (Danemark) en 2006, cette édition 2010 sera organisée du 9 au 12 avril 2010 à Anvers (Belgique) dans le cadre du championnat européen de philatélie "Antverpia 2010".
To commemorate the Luso-Brazilian "LUBRAPEX 2009" stamp exhibition that took place in the Portuguese city of Evora from 2 to 11 October 2009 (already mentioned on this blog), the Brazilian Post has issued, on October 2, 2009, a very impressive souvenir sheet of six stamps devoted to different species of very colorful plumage birds living in Brazil.
This sheet is included on the other registered letter above, with the two FDC postmarks from São Paulo and Evora. Thank you again Marcelo :-)
You can see on this sheet the following birds, that never occurred on a stamp before : a Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria coronata), a Guianan Cock-of-the Rock (Rupicola rupicola), a Blue-naped Chlorophonia (Chlorophonia cyanea), a Yellow-billed Blue Finch (Porphyrospiza caerulescens), a Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala) and a Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus).
Note that the logo of the stamp exhibition LUBRAPEX is logically reproduced in the bottom margin of this sheet but also the logo of the 6th edition of the International "Birdpex 2010" Stamp fair, a bird-only stamp show, held every four years. After Nørresundby (Denmark) in 2006, this 2010 edition will took place from 9 to 12 April 2010 in Antwerp (Belgium) as part of the "Antverpia 2010" European Philatelic Championship.
Les 6 timbres émis le même jour figurent sur chacune de ces cartes, comme celui ci-dessus consacré au stade Vivaldo Lima de Manaus, avec oblitération "1er jour" de Manaus.
Marcelo was kind enough to send me also the six maxicards issued on June 15, 2005 by the Brazilian Post to commemorate the Year of Brazil in France, held from March to December 2005 with the theme "Brazil, Brazils" symbolizing the Brazilian model of diversity in different areas : culture, architecture, gastronomy, music, literature, dance...
The 6 stamps issued on the same date are included on each card, like the one above devoted to the Vivaldo Lima stadium of Manaus, with a FDC cancellation from Manaus.
Les plats évoqués sur ce timbre sont typiques de la région du nord du Brésil : canard servi avec du tucupi, un bouillon jaune à base de manioc, et un bol d'açai, liquide élaboré à partir de palmier dans l'état du Pará.
Oblitération "1er jour" émise à Belém.
Here is above the stamp and card devoted to the Brazilian cuisine influenced by different origins (Africa, Portugal, India...).
The dishes mentioned on this stamp are typical from the northern region of Brazil : duck served with tucupi, a yellow sauce extracted from wild manioc root, and a bowl of açai, a liquid made from palm tree in the state of Pará.
FDC postmark issued at Belém.
Curieusement, l'oblitération est également de Manaus...
The stamp above is devoted to Choro, a musical genre that emerged in Rio de Janeiro in the late 19th century. A group of musicians playing in a public place, in front of a landscape of Morro Urca and Sugar Loaf in Rio are depicted.
Curiously, the FDC cancellation were also issued in Manaus...
Oblitération "1er jour" de la capitale, Brasilia.
The stamp and the card above are dedicated to Brazilian native culture, to the dance of Umbu in particular, characteristic of the Pankararu Indians living in the state of Pernambuco.
FDC postmark from the capital, Brasilia.
Oblitération "1er jour" de Recife.
The 5th stamp above evokes the Cordel literature, appeared in Brazil in the 19th century. This practice was named after the string on which the Brazilian authors (poets, composers, improvisers...) hang small printed booklets ("folhetos") during markets and popular fairs, especially in the Nordeste region.
FDC postmark from Recife.
A noter le cachet "1er jour" (sur lequel figure la tour Eiffel) émis cette fois à Paris.
J'ai également évoqué récemment sur ce blog le bloc-feuillet émis le 7 octobre 2009 par la poste brésilienne, consacré cette fois à l'Année de la France au Brésil.
La poste française n'a curieusement commémoré ni l'Année du Brésil en France en 2005, ni l'Année de la France au Brésil en 2009...
The last maxicard above is devoted to contemporary dance.
Note the FDC postmark (on which is included the Eiffel Tower) issued this time in Paris.
I've also mentioned recently on this blog the souvenir sheet issued on October 7, 2009 by the Brazilian Post, this time devoted to the Year of France in Brazil.
The French Post hasn't curiously commemorated neither the Year of Brazil in France in 2005, nor the Year of France in Brazil in 2009...
1 commentaire:
Christmas sheet and stamps are so beautiful
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