Qui a dit qu'on ne pouvait pas trouver de jolis timbres de grand format sur une carte postale ?
Voici la preuve du contraire avec cette carte du Canada, du Nouveau-Brunswick. Merci Garnet !
Avant de revenir sur les timbres, notez l'oblitération comportant les adresses en anglais et français du site internet de la Poste Canadienne. On trouve aussi la date et l'heure ainsi qu'un code postal B3K 1T0 121 qui reste mystérieux pour moi....
Who said that one could not find any nice stamps of large size on a postcard ?
Here is the proof of the opposite with this card from Canada, New Brunswick. Thanks Garnet !
Before speaking about the stamps, note date-stamping with the addresses in English and French of the Canadian Post Internet site. One finds also the date and the hour as well as a postal code B3K 1T0 121 which remains mysterious for me….

Let's begin with small stamps ! the 3c purple stamp (not canceled !) is part of a current series of 6 values, issued on October 19, 1982. This series is devoted to objects of the Canadian inheritance of XVIIth and XIXth centuries. These artisanal objects reflect various aspects of the Canadian life of this time, such as hunting, fishing, agriculture, the house works and the leisures. This stamp represents a Stable Lantern…??
Le timbre à 1$ représente un huard. Je trouve ce timbre gravé magnifique (gravure sur acier pour l'animal et lithographie pour l'arrière-plan) ! Bravo à Jorge Peral, le graveur. Il a été émis le 27 octobre 1998 dans une série de hautes valeurs, commencée en 1997 et consacrée à la faune du Canada. Un ours brun et un ours blanc font partie de la série.
Le huard est un gros oiseau plongeur qui fréquente l'eau douce et l'eau salée. Il se nourrit essentiellement de poissons.
The 1$ stamp represents a Loon. I find this engraved stamp splendid (engraving on steel for the animal and lithographs for the background) ! Congratulations to Jorge Peral, the engraver. It was issued on October 27, 1998 in a series of high values, started in 1997 and devoted to the fauna of Canada. A brown bear and a polar bear form a part of the series.
The Loon is a large plunger bird which attends fresh water and salted water. And eats primarily fishes.

Mary Pratt est un peintre réaliste très connu au Canada pour ses représentations perceptives de la lumière et des divers thèmes de la vie domestique.
The last stamp (52c) represents the work “Jelly Shelf” of the artist Mary Pratt, issued on March 15, 2007. It forms a part of the famous annual series “Art Canada”, with another work of the same painter “Iceberg in the North Atlantic”. The nice miniature sheet above with the 2 values was also issued.
Mary Pratt is a very known realistic painter in Canada for her perceptive representations of the light and various topics of the domestic life.
1 commentaire:
From what I can gleam, the B3K 1T0 is the Level 2 Consolidation Center (i.e. Sorting Station) in Halifax NS. The 121 or 122 found on different cancellation marks probably identifies the specific sorting machine.
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