Cette lettre reçue récemment du Belarus, de la ville de Vitebsk, est riche en animaux !
En plus de l'illustration à gauche sur l'enveloppe, qui semble représenter un chat (?), on trouve en effet 3 timbres représentant 2 oiseaux et un castor.
Les 2 timbres à gauche font partie d'une série courante de 12 valeurs, consacrée aux oiseaux des jardins, émise le 16 juin 2006.
Celui à 200 BYR représente un pinson et celui à 30 BYR un gobe-mouche noir.
This cover received recently from Belarus, from the town of Vitebsk, is rich in animals ! In addition to the illustration on the left on the envelope, which seems to represent a cat (?), one finds indeed 3 stamps representing 2 birds and a beaver. The 2 stamps on the left are part of a series of 12 definitive values, devoted to the birds of the gardens, issued on June 16, 2006. The 200 BYR stamp represents a Chaffinch and the 30 BYR one a Pied Flycatcher.

Les 4 timbres de cette série comportent le logo du WWF, thématique très prisée de certains collectionneurs.
The 450 BYR stamp on the right is part of a series of 4 values issued on July 20, 1995, devoted to the European Beaver (Castor Fiber). It is a big watery rodent met in the rivers and the lakes of the moderate areas of Europe and Asia. It is one of the 2 species of Beaver with the Canadian Beaver. The 4 stamps of this series comprise the WWF logo, a very popular theme for certain collectors.

It should be noted that curiously, the Post of Belarus issued the following year a miniature sheet with a 1200 BYR stamp representing the same Beaver ??
1 commentaire:
Chinese stamps issued tomorrow, hope that the likes!
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