Comme chaque année, la poste a mis en circulation à Paris un timbre à date spécial consacré à la nouvelle année et aux voeux associés.
Ce cachet, en date du 1er janvier 2012 uniquement, est consacré cette année au 60ème anniversaire de Philapostel, l'association des philatélistes de la Poste et de France Telecom, qui se targue d'être (sur son site internet) la plus importante association philatélique en France...
J'ai eu la chance de recevoir les 3 plis spéciaux ci-dessous revêtus de ce timbre à date du 1er janvier 2012. Merci beaucoup Roland et Joël :-)
As every year, the French Post has put into circulation in Paris a special postmark dedicated to the New Year and its associated Best Wishes.
This cancellation, dated January 1, 2012 only, is devoted this year to the 60th anniversary of Philapostel, the Stamp Collectors Association of La Poste and France Telecom, which claims to be (on its website) the largest philatelic association in France...
I was lucky to receive the three special covers below included this postmark of January 1, 2012. Thank you very much Roland and Joël :-)

Ce timbre reproduit une huile sur bois intitulée "L'Adoration de l'Enfant" (vers 1480), peinte par la Maître de Saint-Barthélemy (école de Cologne), un des plus grands artistes européens de la fin du 15ème siècle.
Vous pourrez admirer cette petite oeuvre (71 x 62 cm) en vous rendant au musée du Petit Palais à Paris !
Roland has used on his letter above one of the 12 self-adhesive stamps of the "Nativities" booklet issued on November 7, 2011. This booklet contains paintings dating from different periods, all kept in French museums, having a Nativity scene for main topic or not.
This stamp reproduces an oil on wood entitled "The Adoration of the Child" (c. 1480), painted by the Master of St. Bartholomew (Cologne School), a leading European artists of the late 15th century.
You can admire this little painting (71 x 62 cm) by going to the Petit Palais Museum in Paris !

Le timbre "Rouge-Gorge" utilisé par Joël ci-dessus fait partie de ce collector "Images Bonheur".
To celebrate New Year festivities in an original way, Phil@poste has "innovated" by offering the public, from November 3, 2011, two new stamp products : a "Images Bonheur" ("Happiness Pictures") collector (composed of 3 parts) containing 24 self-adhesive stamps illustrated by French graphic designer and illustrator Christelle Guénot with the mention "Priority Letter 20g", sold € 19.00 as well as an Advent Calendar with 24 windows illustrated by the 24 stamps of this collector, each containing a chocolate (sold at a price of € 9.00).
The "Robin" stamp used by Joël above is part of this "Images Bonheur" collector.

Le timbre ci-dessus est en fait différent (le point sur le "i" n'est pas perforé) et a été proposé en feuillet de 10 timbres avec vignettes personnalisables.
La Poste a commercialisé ce type de feuillet avec des vignettes pré-personnalisées, c'est le cas ici avec cette Cérès, symbole du service philatélique de La Poste.
Joël was kind enough to send me the second letter above franked with the "Un grand merci" ("A big thank you") stamp designed by French artist Ben (born 1935), famous for his short hand written sentences, issued on March 2, 2005.
The stamp above is in fact different (the point on the letter "i" is not perforated) and has been proposed in sheets of 10 stamps with attached personalized coupons.
La Poste has marketed this kind of sheet with pre-personalized coupons, as it's the case here with the Ceres head, symbol of the French Post's Philatelic Service.
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