Merci à nouveau Ji-Ho pour ces jolies cartes pré-timbrées ci-dessous dont les illustrations et timbres à date associés (émis début 2012) permettent de découvrir des sites historiques remarquables en Corée du sud :-)
Je ne sais pas exactement quand ces cartes ont été émises, incluant toutes le même timbre rond (240 won, fleurs et papillon) avec des illustrations différentes dans la partie gauche.
Thank you once again Ji-Ho for these beautiful prepaid postcards whose illustrations and cancellations (issued in early 2012) allow us to discover some remarkable historical places of the Republic of Korea :-)
I don't know exactly when these cards were issued, including all the same round-shaped stamp (240 won, flowers and butterfly) with different pictures to the left.

L'illustration et le cachet évoquent plus précisément la pagode en brique à 5 niveaux ("Songnimsaocheungjeontap") située devant l'entrée principale de ce temple. Haute de 16 mètres, cette pagode a été érigée au 9ème siècle lors de l'unification du royaume de Silla.
The first card above is devoted to the Buddhist temple of Songnimsa, located in Dongmyeon, built in the 6th century during the Silla Dynasty.
The illustration and cachet evoke more specifically the five storied stone brick pagoda ("Songnimsaocheungjeontap") standing in front of the main hall of this temple. 16 meters high, this pagoda was built in the 9th century during the unification of the Kingdom of Silla.

A noter que ce pavillon, entouré de pins, de la mer et de la rivière Wangpicheon, était situé initialement à Hyeonjongsan, sur le Mont Hyeonjong, mais il fut déplacé à l'endroit actuel en 1858 et reconstruit en 1958.
The Mangyangjeong Pavilion is depicted on the card above. Located on the Mangyang beach (Uljin County), it was built during the Joseon Dynasty by King Sukjong in memory of the eight most beautiful landscapes of the east coast of the Korean peninsula.
To note that this pavilion, surrounded by pine trees, sea and Wangpicheon River, was initially located in Hyeonjongsan, on Mount Hyeonjong, but was moved to its current place in 1858 and rebuilt in 1958.

Cette grotte calcaire, longue de plus de 472 mètres, est ornée de nombreux stalactites et de stalagmites. Elle se compose également de cinq étangs où vivent de nombreuses espèces de poissons.
Le nom de cette grotte, signifiant "grotte où séjournent les bouddhas", date de l'invasion japonaise de la Corée entre 1592 et 1598 lorsque des statues bouddhistes situées dans les temples environnants y furent cachées...
The Seongryugul cave, located at the junction of the rivers Wangpicheon and Seonyusan (Mount Seonyu) is featured on the third card above.
This 472 meters long limestone cave, is decorated with many stalactites and stalagmites. It also consists of five ponds where many species of fish are living.
The name of this cave, meaning "cave where Buddhas are staying", is dating from the Japanese invasion of Korea between 1592 and 1598, when Buddhist statues located in the surrounding temples were hidden there...

Le style artistique minutieux utilisé ici était prisé durant la dynastie Koryeo (918-1392).
The card above is devoted to the Buddha stone statue of Andong icheondong. This huge statue (12.40 meters, 2.40 meters for the head) has a body carved in relief in a rock, on which was placed the head, carved separately.
The precise artistic style used here was very prized during Koryeo Dynasty (918-1392).

Ce temple, le plus ancien du Comté de Yecheon, a été reconstruit au 12ème siècle (sous le règne du roi Myeongjong de la dynastie Koryeo) par un autre moine, Bojoguksa Jinul.
A part of Bomunsa temple, founded by the Buddhist monk Eusang-daesa in the 7th century (Silla Dynasty), is depicted on the other card above.
This temple, the oldest of the Yecheon County, was rebuilt in the 12th century (under the reign of King Myeongjong of the Koryeo Dynasty) by another monk, Bojoguksa Jinul.

Unfortunately, I did not find any information about the temple shown on the card above, probably located near the town of Ibam according to the ATM stamp including the additional postage (20 won for this card that traveled by surface mail !)...

La base de ce monument, ressemblant à un char, abrite toutes sortes d'armes à feu datant de cette guerre.
The last card above is devoted to the Dabu-dong War Memorial (Gasan-myeon) built in 1981 to commemorate the victory at the "Dabudong" battle which then allowed the South Korean troops to march to North Korea during the Korean War.
The base of this monument, looking like a tank, is exhibiting all kinds of firearms dating from this war.
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