La poste tchèque poursuit cette année son intéressante série consacrée à la tradition de la production de timbres-poste en République Tchèque et en Tchécoslovaquie.
Son 1er timbre émis en 2012 (le 20 janvier) rend ainsi hommage à Josef Liesler (1912-2005) à l'occasion du 100ème anniversaire de sa naissance.
Ce timbre (10 Kč) figure en haut à droite sur la nouvelle jolie lettre recommandée de la poste tchèque ci-dessous, postée de Prague le 1er jour d'émission :-)
The Czech Post is continuing this year its exciting series devoted to the tradition of the production of postage stamps in Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia.
Its first stamp issued in 2012 (on January 20) pays tribute to Josef Liesler (1912-2005) to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth.
This stamp (10 Kč) appears at the top right on the nice new registered letter of the Czech Post below, posted in Prague the first day of issue :-)

Le timbre horizontal sur fond bleu (21 Kč) a été émis le 16 juin 2010 pour commémorer les 600 ans de l'horloge astronomique de la vieille ville de Prague, une des attractions touristiques de la capitale tchèque. On distingue sur ce timbre les 4 automates en bois qui s'animent chaque heure : la vanité et l'avarice à gauche, la mort et le turc à droite.
J'ai déjà évoqué sur ce blog le dernier timbre ci-dessus (21 Kč), émis le 1er juin 2011, célébrant le 100ème anniversaire du 1er vol motorisé par Jan Kašpar.
Three other stamps are used including the 6 Kč one, also issued on January 20, 2012, completing the current definitive series devoted to folk architecture. This stamp shows a typical half-timbered house located in the village of Vidim (Central Bohemia). To note that the year "2011" appears curiously on this stamp ?
The horizontal stamp on a blue background (21 Kč) was issued on June 16, 2010 to commemorate the 600 years of the Prague's old town astronomical clock, one of the tourist attractions of the Czech capital. You can see on this stamp the four wooden statues that "come alive" every hour : Vanity and Greed to the left, Death and the Turk to the right.
I've already mentioned on this blog the last stamp above (21 Kč), issued on June 1, 2011, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Jan Kašpar's first powered flight.

Josef Liesler était un peintre, illustrateur et dessinateur de timbres. Il a ainsi conçu plus d'une centaines de timbres pour la Tchécoslovaquie puis la République Tchèque (le timbre EUROPA 2002 consacré au cirque semble être sa dernière production philatélique).
Liesler a reçu de nombreux prix internationaux dont celui du plus beau timbre du monde remis par l'UNESCO en 1975 pour sa série "Décennie hydrologique internationale" émise en 1974.
Son style, trop moderne et non conventionnel, proche du surréalisme a dérouté de nombreux philatélistes.
Ses oeuvres, conservées dans les plus grands musées du monde, symbolisent souvent la lutte contre l'occupation ainsi que son combat pour l'humanisme et la liberté...
But let's speak again about Josef Liesler through this new stamp designed by Oldřich Kulhánek and engraved by Miloš Ondráček. It's that stamp that appears in two copies on the official FDC above with a cancellation of January 20, 2012 including the signing of the Czech artist.
Josef Liesler was a painter, illustrator and designer of stamps. He has designed more than one hundred stamps for Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic (the EUROPA 2002 stamp devoted to circus seems to be his last stamp).
Liesler has received many international awards including the world's most beautiful stamp by UNESCO in 1975 for his series "International Hydrological Decade" issued in 1974.
His style, too modern and unconventional, close to surrealism has disconcerted many philatelists.
His works, kept in the greatest museums of the world, often symbolize the struggle against occupation as well as fighting for humanism and freedom...

L'utilisation de l'oblitération spéciale du bureau de poste principal de Prague, consacré à la tradition tchèque de la production de timbres, est judicieuse dans ce cas !
Bretislav (a big thank you !) has also sent me the numbered commemorative sheet above issued on the first day of issue of that same stamp.
The use of the special cancellation of the general post office in Prague, devoted to the Czech tradition of the production of stamps, is very appropriate in this case !
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