Le 26 octobre 2011, les administrations postales du Brésil et de Serbie ont émis une intéressante série commune de timbres ayant pour thème la littérature.
Ce jeu de 2 timbres s'inscrit dans la série "Relations diplomatiques" de la poste brésilienne et permet cette fois d'honorer deux grands écrivains dont les oeuvres ont transmis au monde l'histoire de leurs terres et de leurs peuples respectifs : Ivo Andrić (1892-1975) et Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003).
On October 26, 2011, the postal administrations of Brazil and Serbia have issued a very interesting joint set of stamps devoted to literature.
This set of two stamps is part of the series "diplomatic relations" of the Brazilian Post and allows this time to honor two great writers whose works have given the history of their land and their people to the world : Ivo Andrić (1892-1975) and Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003).

A noter que cette enveloppe a été émise en 2002 pour l'émission Premier Jour d'un timbre consacré au 125ème anniversaire de la libération de la ville de Nikšić (des troupes turques), située actuellement au Monténégro.
It is the Serbian version of this series (22 and 46 dinars), designed by Serbian designer Marina Kalezić, that appears on the illustrated envelope above mailed on November 21, 2011 from the town of Pancevo. Thank you very much Zoran :-)
To note that this cover was issued in 2002 for the First Day of Issue of a stamp dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Nikšić (from Turkish troops), currently located in Montenegro.

A noter que le timbre à date Premier Jour figure sur ces 2 courriers, comme celui émis à Fortaleza (état de Ceará, nord-est du pays) ci-dessus, la ville natale de Rachel de Queiroz, écrivain, dramaturge, traductrice et journaliste brésilienne. Elle fut la 1ère femme à rejoindre l'Académie brésilienne des lettres.
Son portrait devant une bibliothèque ainsi que sa signature et le Prix Camões (qu'elle a reçu en 1993), le plus important prix littéraire lusophone, figurent sur ce timbre.
I was also lucky to receive the two other letters above and below each franked with the two joint stamps issued by the Brazilian Post. Thank you very much Marcelo for these covers mailed on December 22, 2011 from São Paulo :-)
To note that the FDC postmark is included on these two letters, such as the one above issued in Fortaleza (State of Ceará, northeast of the country), the birthplace of Rachel de Queiroz, Brazilian writer, playwright, translator and journalist. She was the first woman to join the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
Her portrait in front of a library as well as her signature and the Camões Prize (that she received in 1993), the most important literary prize for the Portuguese language, are featured on this stamp.

La plupart des ses ouvrages ont pour cadre la Bosnie (Andrić est né en 1892 à Travnik situé aujourd'hui en Bosnie). Andrić est aujourd'hui l'auteur de langue serbo-croate le plus connu et le plus traduit dans le monde.
A noter que ce timbre commémore le 50ème anniversaire de son Prix Nobel de littérature décerné en 1961 (son diplôme et sa médaille figurent sur ce timbre).
Cet anniversaire a également été célébré sur un timbre émis par la République serbe de Bosnie en 2011.
The other FDC cancellation, issued on October 26, 2011 in Brasilia, is applied on the cover above with the Brazilian stamp devoted to Ivo Andrić, Serbian writer, member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Most of his works dealt with life in Bosnia (Andrić was born in 1892 in Travnik located today in Bosnia). Andrić is now the best known and most translated Serbo-Croatian author in the world.
To note that this stamp is commemorating the 50th anniversary of his Nobel Prize for Literature awarded in 1961 (his diploma and medal are depicted on this stamp).
This anniversary was also celebrated on a stamp issued in 2011 by the Bosnian Serb Republic.
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