Un grand merci au Portail du Timbre de m'avoir permis de recevoir le nouveau calendrier présentant la plupart des timbres (ceux en tout cas dont la maquette a été validée) qui seront émis en France en 2012 :-)
Les couvertures recto et verso de ce calendrier, conçu par la graphiste Valérie Besser (qui a également déjà conçu de nombreux timbres français, en particulier le bloc-feuillet émis en 2011 consacré à des artistes français de la chanson), présentent l'ensemble de ces timbres.
A big thank you to the Portail du Timbre (the French Post's Stamp Portal) for having allowed me to receive the new Calendar showing most of the stamps (at least those for which the design was validated) to be issued in France in 2012 :-)
The front and back covers of this calendar, designed by French graphic designer Valérie Besser (who has also designed many French stamps, in particular the last souvenir sheet issued in 2011 devoted to French song artists), are featuring all these stamps.

Les 6 premiers mois de l'année 2012 figurent sur la couverture ci-dessus.
A noter qu'il y aura pas moins de 3 émissions communes en mai et juin avec la Cité du Vatican (Jeanne d'Arc), Hong Kong (art contemporain) et les USA (Miles Davis et Edith Piaf)...
Le mois de juin sera très chargé, Salon du Timbre oblige !
To note that this calendar is published each year on the initiative of the ADPhile, the French Association for the Development of Philately (sponsored by La Poste), founded in 1986, leading many national actions of communication and entertainment to promote stamp.
The first six months of 2012 are depicted on the cover above.
To note that there will be no less than three joint stamp issues in May and June with Vatican City (Joan of Arc), Hong Kong (contemporary art) and the United States (Miles Davis and Edith Piaf)...
A lot of stamps will be issued in June during the "Salon du Timbre 2012" held in Paris !

A noter deux autres émissions communes en novembre avec la Suède et la Principauté d'Andorre. Pour rappel, aucune émission commune n'a été émise en 2011 suite à l'annulation de l'émission prévue avec la Syrie...
Le mois de novembre sera chargé, Salon Philatélique d'Automne oblige !
A little less stamps will be issued during the last six months shown above.
To note two other joint stamp issues in November with Sweden and the Principality of Andorra. As a reminder, no joint issue was issued in 2011 after the cancellation of the expected issue with Syria...
Most of the stamps will be issued in November during the "Salon Philatélique d'Automne 2012" also held in Paris !

Je publierai les autres mois au fur et à mesure sur mon blog ;)
The detail of each month's stamp issues is featured inside this rather well designed calendar, for example January above with only three series : sheet "Year of the Dragon" (have a look to my recent post on this blog), Heart-shaped stamps by Adeline André (see my post published yesterday) and a booklet "Arts" Impressions of relief, printed (is it a first ?) in both offset and intaglio...
I will post on my blog the other pages of this calendar, month after month ;)
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