La poste canadienne a émis cette année son 5ème et dernier timbre de sa jolie série consacrée à l'établissement des français en Amérique du nord il y a 400 ans.
Le 1er émis en 2004, consacré à Pierre Dugua de Mons et l'île Sainte-Croix, avait fait l'objet d'une émission commune avec la France. C'est à nouveau le cas cette année avec un timbre consacré aux 400 ans de la fondation de la ville de Québec par l'explorateur et cartographe français Samuel de Champlain. L'émission 1er jour a eu lieu au Canada et en France le 16 mai 2008 à Québec, Paris, Honfleur, Nantes et Royan (sans mention "1er jour" dans ces 2 dernières villes).
Grâce à Stéphane (merci beaucoup !), vous pouvez admirer ci-dessous la version française de ce timbre et la jolie (et inhabituelle...) oblitération "1er jour" de la ville de Honfleur (Normandie).
The Canadian Post has issued this year its 5th and last stamp of the beautiful series devoted to French settlement in North America, 400 years ago.
The first stamp issued in 2004, dedicated to Pierre Dugua de Mons and St.Croix Island, was a joint issue with France. It's again the case this year with a stamp dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City by the French explorer and cartographer Samuel de Champlain. The "First Day of issue" took place in Canada and France on May 16, 2008 in Québec City, Paris, Honfleur, Nantes and Royan (with no "1st Day" mention in these last 2 cities).
Thanks to Stéphane (thank you very much !), you can admire below the French version of this stamp and the beautiful (and unusual...) FDC cancellation from Honfleur, Normandy.
Les 2 timbres français et canadiens ne sont pas tout à fait identiques : valeurs faciales de 0,85€ (régime prioritaire international) et 52c (régime intérieur canadien), le timbre canadien ne mentionne pas qu'il s'agit d'une émission conjointe avec la France (sauf dans les marges des feuilles de 16 timbres) et ne comporte que "Québec" en bas à droite au lieu de "Fondation de Québec" en haut à droite sur la version française...
The stamp depicts a very detailed scene : Champlain greets, from his ship, Algonquins natives approaching in a canoe, with in background, the construction of the new settlement of "Kebec" ("The place where the river narrows" in the Algonquin language). This stamp, entirely printed in 3 colours intaglio, except the date 1608 in lithography, needed 9 weeks of work to Canadian engraver Jorge Peral, who considers this stamp as the most detailed he has ever done ! The result is just wonderful !
The two French and Canadian stamps are not quite the same : face value of €0.85 (international priority French rate) and 52c (domestic Canadian rate), the Canadian stamp does not mention that this is a joint issue with France (except in the margins of the sheets of 16 stamps) and mentions only "Québec" at the bottom right instead of "Fondation de Québec "at the top right on the French stamp...
Merci encore Stéphane d'avoir pensé à moi :-)
Je ne suis pas un grand fan de cette série (interminable) de blocs de 10 timbres (s'apparentant plus à des vignettes Panini...) consacrée aux coutumes et monuments français même si je dois avouer qu'elle est appréciée à l'étranger !
Le timbre représente les maisons étroites typiques aux façades couvertes d'ardoise sur le vieux port. Honfleur est une petite ville très connue en France car elle a séduit de très nombreux peintres (Corot, Boudin, Courbet, Monet...). En plus de posséder la plus grande église en bois de France, Honfleur est aussi la ville de naissance du compositeur et pianiste Erik Satie que j'apprécie particulièrement !
Happy coincidence, we stay in Honfleur with the nice FDC above devoted to one of the ten stamps of the "La France à Voir" No. 11 souvenir sheet issued on early sale on March 29, 2008.
Thanks again Stéphane for thinking of me :-)
I'm not a big fan of this (interminable) series of sheets of 10 stamps (not far from Panini vignettes...) devoted to French customs and monuments although I must confess that it is appreciated abroad !
The stamp depicts the typical close houses with slate covered facades on the old port. Honfleur is a small town well known in France as it has attracted many painters (Corot, Boudin, Courbet, Monet...). As well as possessing the largest wooden church in France, Honfleur is also the birth city of the composer and pianist Erik Satie that I particularly appreciate !
Le choix du Parc Floral est judicieux car c'est là qu'aura lieu le prochain Salon du Timbre du 14 au 22 juin 2008 !
Above the last Postal Stationery received at the end of April containing the Phil@poste 2008 2nd catalogue. As with previous one, Phi@postel has chosen a stamp being part of the philatelic program of last recent years. After the "Tuileries Garden" for the 1st 2008 catalogue, the French Post has chosen this time the other stamp of the "Jardins de France 2004" souvenir sheet representing the Floral Park of Paris. This pre-stamped envelope is valid for priority mails to France and abroad.
The choice of the Floral Park is a good idea because it's there that will take place the next Stamp Exhibition from 14 to 22 June 2008 !
Enfin, le code 06850A présent sur l'oblitération correspond au centre de traitement du courrier de Montpellier.
As with previous chosen stamps, the above one has some differences compared to the original stamp : "FRANCE" has replaced "RF", the 2004 year has disappeared, "Phil@poste" has replaced "ITVF" in the lower margin and the origin face value (€1.90) has almost disappeared ! Indeed, you can divine, over the word "PARC", the white contours of the firsthand value ! After check, this quirk does not seem to be an exception...But it was not the case on the previous "Tuileries Garden" stamp.
Finally, the 06850A code present on the cancellation corresponds to the Montpellier sorting office.
Ca me tarde de voir ça et au moins, cette fois, contrairement au dernier feuillet semblable consacré au timbre Kandinsky, on ne sera pas obligé d'acheter le livre "Impressions Expressions" !
Les 2 timbres se-tenant pré-imprimés sur l'enveloppe reprennent ceux qui ont été désigné "plus beaux timbres de création 2007" par les clients de Phil@poste. Ces 2 timbres originaux, émis conjointement avec le Groënland, gravés par l'excellent Martin Mörck, sont magnifiques même si j'avais voté pour le timbre consacré à Limoges :-)
Above another Phil@poste Postal Stationery, mailed on April 14, 2008 also from Montpellier sorting office, with a more classical postmark. The letter in the envelope concerned the "Timbres Plus" French stamps subscription service. Phil@poste announced that the next quarterly stamps kits would contain now an unperforated gummed sheet as gift, with no postage value, including the various stages of printing of a stamp ! The "Barrière fleurie" painting from Paul Sérusier, issued in 2007, has been chosen and will be included in the next June 2008 kit.
I'm impatient to see that and at least this time, unlike last Kandinsky similar stamp sheet, it's not necessary to buy the "Impressions Expressions" book !
The two pre-printed se-tenant stamps on the cover are those who have been designated "the most beautiful 2007 creation stamps" by the Phil@poste customers. These 2 original stamps issued jointly with Greenland, engraved by the excellent Martin Mörck are beautiful even if I voted for the Limoges city stamp :-)
Ainsi, Droopy, la girl et le loup furent choisis pour illustrer ces timbres. Les 3 timbres, avec une faciale de 0,55€, furent émis dans la même feuille ce qui permettait d'obtenir de jolies combinaisons de timbres se-tenant comme sur le FDC ci-dessus. Ces 3 timbres furent également émis sous forme de carnet de 10 timbres autocollants, avec mention "Lettre Prioritaire 20g". Un mini-bloc à 2,18€ un peu particulier a aussi été émis : le timbre comporte une zone bleue recouverte d'une encre thermochrome qui, en la frottant, laisse apparaître la célèbre phrase de Droopy "You know what ? I'm happy" traduite aussi en français, loi oblige :-) C'est ce bloc qui figure à gauche sur la lettre ci-dessus.
Enfin, 3 mini-feuilles composées chacune de 5 timbres autocollants avec vignettes attenantes ont été émises. Chaque mini-feuille est vendue 6,50€ pour une valeur faciale de 2,75€ !! Soit 5 vignettes vendues 0,75€ chacune, soit plus chères que les timbres eux-mêmes :-((
A noter tout de même l'oblitération "1er jour" très réussie représentant Droopy et sa célèbre moue ! Ci-dessus le cachet émis dans ma ville de Lyon.
On 1 and 2 March 2008 took place the "Stamp Day" in 113 cities of France ! A plethora of stamps have been issued on this occasion, devoted to famous characters from Tex Avery (to celebrate the 100 years of his birth), after Harry Potter in 2007.
Thus, Droopy, the girl and the wolf were chosen to illustrate these stamps. The 3 stamps with a €0.55 face value, were issued in the same sheet so they allowed some pretty combinations of se-tenant stamps, like on the FDC above. These 3 stamps were also issued in a booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps, with the words "Lettre prioritaire 20g" instead of the face value. A little unusual miniature sheet (€2.18) was also issued : the stamp includes a blue covered area with a special thermochrome ink which, when rubbing, reveals the famous Droopy sentence "You know what? I'm happy "also written in French, as the law requires :-) You can see this sheet on the left on the letter above.
Finally, 3 little sheets, each consisting of 5 stamps with attached labels were issued. Each sheet was sold €6.50 for a face value of only €2.75 ! => the 5 labels sold € 0.75 each, so more expensive than the stamps themselves :-((
Note the very successful FDC cancellation representating Droopy and its famous pouting ! Above the postmark issued in my city of Lyon.
La mention "Carte pré-timbrée à validité permanente - Ne peut être vendue" en certifie l'originalité. Le timbre pré-imprimé ci-dessus, ainsi que celui oval représenté sur l'autre face de la carte (cf ci-dessous) sont issus du bloc de 10 timbres à 0,54€, émis le 25 juin 2007, illustrant des phases de jeu ainsi que le célèbre Haka des Blacks et des supporteurs.
Above the now famous "2007 Rugby World Cup" Postal Stationery postcard which was offered exclusively in the weekly "Le Monde 2" magazine published on September 7, 2007, as a result of a partnership with the French Post.
The words "pre-stamped card with permanent validity - can not be sold" certify its originality. The pre-printed stamp above, as well as the oval-shaped one represented on the other side of the postcard (see below) are taken from the sheet of ten €0.54 stamps, issued on June 25, 2007, illustrating Playground phases with the famous Haka of the Blacks team and also supporters.
Cette carte n'est pas très courante à l'état neuf, je ne suis pas sûr qu'elle ait été réellement utilisée postalement comme celle-ci dessus envoyée le 31 décembre 2007 de Lyon ? Le cachet philatélique représente la place Bellecour et sa statue de Louis XIV avec la basilique de Fourvière en arrière plan :-)
The pre-printed stamp representing a player scoring a try (it seems that I recognize Dimitri Yachvili, isn't it ?) has lost its face value and its 2007 vintage year, which has resulted in a shift to the right of the word "La Poste" so that it appears just over "Phil@poste", probably for aesthetic reasons...
This card is not very common in mint condition, I'm not sure that it has actually been postally used as the above one sent on December 31, 2007 from Lyon ? The philatelic postmark represents the Bellecour square and its king Louis XIV statue with the Fourviere Basilica in the background :-)
Par rapport à l'original, ce timbre a perdu sa faciale (0,54€) et son millésime 2006 et on trouve la mention "France 20g" sous le timbre.
L'oblitération, issue d'une machine à jet d'encre Toshiba TSC 100, comporte le code 38267A qui correspond au CTC de Metz-Nord.
An other Postal Stationery above with the stamp, issued on September 18, 2006, devoted to the town of Thionville, in Moselle department. This engraved stamp shows the lock-bridge, a unique building in France, the only survivor of old fortifications. It allowed, in addition to its function as a lock, to prevent an attack from the canal.
Compared with the original one, this stamp has lost its face value (€0.54) and its 2006 vintage year and the words "France 20g" are found under the stamp.
The cancellation, by an inkjet TSC 100 Toshiba machine, contains the 38267A code that corresponds to the Northern Metz city sorting office.
Ce fromage, avec ses moisissures bleues (Penicillium), est produit depuis 2000 ans à partir de lait de brebis dans les caves d'affinage naturel de l'Aveyron.
Le timbre pré-imprimé, plus petit que l'original, n'a plus de valeur faciale (0,53€sur l'original) et de millésime (la mention "La Poste" a ainsi été remontée) et "Phil@poste" remplace "ITVF" dans la marge inférieure.
Je ne sais pas si ces 2 PAP, sans illustration sur la partie gauche de l'enveloppe, peuvent être considérés comme des PAP régionaux ?
En tout cas, la poste semble avoir trouvé une nouvelle source de devises avec ces PAP régionaux puisqu'elle propose à la vente pas moins de 79 séries différentes sur son site internet !!
To conclude, another PS similar to the previous one but with the "Roquefort" stamp being part of the "France à vivre" No. 7 souvenir sheet issued on March 27, 2006.
This cheese, with its blue molds (Penicillium), is produced since 2.000 years with ewe's milk in the natural maturing cellars of the Aveyron department.
The pre-printed stamp, smaller than the original one, has once again lost its original face value (€0.53) and vintage year (so the words "La Poste" have been raised) and "Phil@poste" replaces "ITVF" in the lower margin.
I don't know if these 2 PS, with no illustration on the left side of the cover, can be considered as regional PS ?
In any case, French Post seems to have found a new means to make money with these regional PS because it offers for sale no less than 79 different series on its website !!
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