Le 14 mars 2012, la poste moldave a émis un bloc-feuillet spécial (composé d'un timbre à 4,50 L, conçu par Vitaliu Pogolşa) consacré au chanteur et compositeur Mihai Dolgan (1942-2008) à l'occasion du 70ème anniversaire de sa naissance.
C'est ce bloc qui figure sur le joli FDC officiel ci-dessous (tirage : 500 exemplaires, également conçu par Vitaliu Pogolşa) avec timbre à date de Chișinău, la capitale.
Merci beaucoup Sergio :-)
Mihai Dolgan est une légende de la musique en Moldavie et dans les pays de l'ex-URSS en particulier à travers le groupe de rock "Noroc" qu'il a fondé en 1967.
On March 14, 2012, the Post of Moldova has issued a special souvenir sheet (composed of a L 4.50 stamp, designed by Vitaliu Pogolşa) dedicated to the singer and composer Mihai Dolgan (1942-2008) at the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his birth.
This sheet appears on the nice official FDC below (print run : 500, also designed by Vitaliu Pogolşa) with cancellations from Chișinău, the capital.
Thank you very much Sergio :-)
Mihai Dolgan is a music legend in Moldova as well as in the countries of former USSR in particular through the rock band "Noroc" that he founded in 1967.

C'est d'ailleurs une partition de cette chanson qui figure dans la marge en haut sur ce bloc.
Une photo d'époque du groupe "Noroc" est reproduite dans la marge à gauche.
The phenomenon "Noroc" ("good luck" in French) was compared with the Beatles mania in the West, with many songs that marked an entire generation of young people in Eastern countries (and even in Germany), the most famous one being "De ce plâng chitarele" ("Why do the guitars cry", music by Mihai Dolgan, lyrics by Efim Crimerman).
This is beside a score of that song that is included in the top margin on this sheet.
A 1970's photo of the music group "Noroc" is reproduced in the left margin.

Avant d'être reformé en 1985, "Noroc" fut interdit à partir de 1970 par les autorités communistes en ex-république soviétique de Moldavie, officiellement pour manque de discipline et pour la promotion de valeurs artistiques de médiocre qualité...
To note that the Post of Moldova had already issued the postal stationery above in 2007 (on October 15th) to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the creation of the group "Noroc".
Before being reformed in 1985, "Noroc" was banned from 1970 by the communist authorities of the former Soviet Republic of Moldova, officially due to lack of discipline or promotion of artistic values of poor quality...
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