Merci beaucoup Robert de me permettre encore une fois d'évoquer ces fabuleux timbres émis par la poste slovaque à travers ces trois nouvelles lettres postées fin juin de Bratislava et de Trnava !
La 1ère lettre ci-dessous nous fait découvrir deux chefs-d'oeuvre de l'architecture Renaissance et romane en Slovaquie. Le timbre de droite (22 Sk) fait partie d'une série de 3 timbres émis le 15 novembre 2002 consacrés à des édifices religieux. Celui-ci montre la façade de la cathédrale Saint-Martin de Spišská Kapitula (district de Levoča, nord-est du pays), une petite ville ecclésiastique très bien conservée.
Thank you so much Robert for allowing me once again to evoke these wonderful stamps issued by the Slovak Post through these three new covers mailed in late June from Trnava and Bratislava !
The first letter below makes us discover two masterpieces of Renaissance and Romanesque architecture in Slovakia. The stamp on the right (Sk 22.00) is part of a series of three stamps issued on November 15th 2002 devoted to religious buildings. This one depict the front of the St. Martin Cathedral in Spišská Kapitula (Levoca district, north-eastern country), a small well-preserved ecclesiastical town.
Spišská Kapitula, ainsi que le château de Spiš et ses monuments culturels associés, est inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1993.
Le timbre à gauche fait partie d'une série de 2 timbres, émis le 19 mai 2006, montrant des beffrois slovaques de style Renaissance. Celui ci-dessus à été construit en 1659 à Podolínec, dans la région de Prešov (nord-est du pays).
This cathedral was built between the 13th and 15th century in a Romanesque and Gothic style. It houses many tombs of the lords of the nearby Spiš castle and of the Zapolsky family. There are also some very interesting 14th century's frescoes and a famous travertine sculpture of a white lion, depicted on the € 0.50 definitive stamps issued earlier this year.
Spišská Kapitula, and the Spiš castle and its associated cultural monuments, is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1993.
The left stamp is part of a set of two stamps issued on May 19th 2006, depicting Renaissance Slovak belfries. The one above was built in 1659 in Podolínec, in the Prešov region (north-eastern country).
Le timbre du centre a été émis le 10 mars 2003 pour célébrer les fêtes de Pâques. Il montre une jeune fille en costume traditionnel de la région de Vajnory tenant un "lesola" (branche décorée avec des oeufs peints et des rubans de couleurs), symbole du printemps.
Le petit timbre à gauche, émis le 15 mars 1995, fait partie de la série courante consacrée aux villes slovaques. Il montre l'église baroque Saint-Pierre et Paul de Nitra, l'une des plus anciennes villes de Slovaquie.
The Sk 14.00 stamp above on the right was issued on May 9th 2003 as part of the EUROPA series devoted to Poster art this year. A poster about the play Don Juan by the French Molière is reproduced here. This stamp is also evoking the Poster Triennial held since 1991 in Trnava. This poster was designed by Vlastislav Rostoka who has twice received the first prize at this triennial.
The stamp in the middle was issued on March 10, 2003 to celebrate Easter. It shows a young girl in traditional costume of the Vajnory region holding a "Lesola" (a twig decorated with painted eggs and ribbons of color), symbolizing spring season.
The small stamp on the left, issued on March 15th 1995, is part of the definitive series about cities of Slovakia. This one depicts the baroque St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Nitra, one of the oldest cities in Slovakia.
Le timbre à 5,50 Sk fait partie d'une série de 2 timbres, émis le 22 février 2001, représentant chacun le costume traditionnel féminin et masculin de la ville de Detva (centre du pays).
Le timbre à 4 Sk a été émis le 3 septembre 1999 pour commémorer les 50 ans de la fondation de l'académie des beaux-arts et du design (VŠVU) de Bratislava.
Le dernier timbre à gauche, émis le 5 septembre 1995, évoque la biennale internationale de Bratislava (BIB) consacrée depuis 1967 à des illustrations de livres pour enfants et adolescents. Ce timbre reproduit un dessin de l'artiste slovaque Dušan Kállay qui a reçu des prix lors de cette biennale en 1973, 1975, 1983 et 1993.
An other stamp of the EUROPA series, is included above on the right. Issued on May 5th 1998, it focused on Festivals and national celebrations. I don't exactly know if this stamp referred to a Slovak festival in particular, but the FDC cancellation was held in the village of Starý Tekov, famous for its folk festival (songs and dances).
The Sk 5.50 stamp is part of a set of two stamps issued on February 22th 2001, each depicting women and men's folk costumes of the town of Detva (central region).
The Sk 4.00 stamp was issued on September 3, 1999 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU) in Bratislava.
The last stamp on the left, issued on September 5th 1995, is about the International Biennial of Illustrations of Bratislava (BIB) held since 1967 and devoted to illustrations of books for children and young adults. This stamp reproduces a drawing by the Slovak artist Dušan Kállay who received some Awards at this Biennial in 1973, 1975, 1983 and 1993.
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