Le 4 juillet 2009 avait lieu dans ma ville de Lyon l'émission "1er jour" d'un nouveau timbre (hors programme) de la poste française, commémorant les 500 ans de la naissance de l'écrivain, poète, imprimeur, traducteur et humaniste Etienne Dolet (1509-1546).
Je dois avouer qu'avant l'émission de ce nouveau timbre gravé, je ne connaissais pas ce personnage...et c'était un tort !
Grâce à la présence d'un stand de l'Association laïque lyonnaise des amis d'Etienne Dolet lors de ce 1er jour, et en particulier la présence de son président Marcel Picquier (merci pour vos précieuses informations !), j'ai eu la chance de faire un peu plus connaissance avec Etienne Dolet :-)
On July 4th 2009 took place in my home town of Lyon the First Day of Issue of a new French stamp (not scheduled initially), commemorating the 500th anniversary of the birth of the writer, poet, printer, translator and humanist Etienne Dolet (1509-1546).
I've to confess that before the issue of this new engraved stamp, I'd never heard of him... and it was a miss !
Thanks to the presence of a stand of the "Association laïque lyonnaise des amis d'Etienne Dolet" during this preview sale, and in particular the presence of its chairman Marcel Picquier (thank you for your valuable information !), I've had the chance to get to know Etienne Dolet much better :-)
A noter le joli cachet "1er jour" sur lequel je reviendrai plus loin. Une autre vente anticipée de ce timbre avait lieu à Orléans, sa ville de naissance.
Here is above the FDC that I sent to myself. The stamp is depicting a portrait of Etienne Dolet freely designed by Cyril de la Patellière (engraved by Jacky Larrivière). Etienne Dolet died very young (at 37) but has always been depicted as an old man by his detractors after his death... it's still the case on this stamp !
Note the nice FDC cancellation about which I'll speak further. Another anticipated sale of this stamp was held the same day in Orléans, his birth town.
Marcel Picquier, et les membres de son association, sont à l'origine de l'émission de ce timbre. Une campagne auprès de Phil@poste a en effet débuté en 2006 et grâce au soutien de nombreux maires, hommes politiques français et de la fédération nationale de la Libre Pensée, ce projet de timbre a enfin abouti !
Etienne Dolet devient imprimeur à Lyon, à partir de 1534, après avoir fuit la ville de Toulouse où il était devenu suspect pour l'Inquisition, après un discours humaniste dans lequel il dénonçait les persécutions religieuses (prétextes à la répression de la pensée) et les superstitions.
Il sera condamné à être étranglé puis brûlé avec ses livres à Paris (le 3 août 1546) pour "hérésie, blasphème, sédition et exposition de livres interdits et damnés"...
Here is above the engraving sent by the French Post during this preview sale.
Marcel Picquier, and the members of his Association, are sparked off the issue of this stamp. A campaign was indeed launched in 2006 and with the support of many French mayors, politicians and the Free Thinking national federation, this stamp's project was received !
Etienne Dolet became printer in Lyon, from 1534, after having fled the city of Toulouse, where he became a suspect by the Inquisition, after a humanist speech in which he denounced religious persecutions (pretexts for the suppression of thought) and superstitions.
He was sentenced to be strangled and then burned with his books in Paris (on August 3th 1546) for "heresy, blasphemy, sedition and exhibition of banned and damned books"...
Vous comprenez mieux maintenant ce que représente l'oblitération "1er jour" !
Etienne Dolet avait en effet poussé jusqu'à la perfection l'art de l'imprimerie.
Here is above a photohraph I took during this First day of Issue on the stand of the "Association laïque lyonnaise des amis d'Etienne Dolet". It shows several reproductions of book covers printed and published by Etienne Dolet. Most of them include a mark depicting an ax (or called a "doloire" in French) held by a hand emerging from a cloud and hitting a tree trunk. Etienne Dolet had chosen this brand because of the pun between the word "doloire" and his name but also to illustrate his Latin motto : "Scabra et impolita admussim dolo atque perpolio" ("I trim and polish to perfection all what is rough and coarse").
You now understand better what is depicted on the FDC cancellation !
Etienne Dolet had indeed pushed to perfection the art of printing.
Cet édifice imposant, monument historique depuis 1886, a été construit entre 1645 et 1651. Un bas-relief représentant le roi Henri IV à cheval, qui figure ci-dessus à la base du beffroi, a remplacé celui montrant le roi Louis XIV en 1792 après la révolution française...
This preview sale was held in the atrium of the town hall of Lyon. Here is a photograph of the facade above taken on the day of issue.
This imposing building, a historic monument since 1886, was built between 1645 and 1651. A bas-relief of King Henri IV on horseback, which is included above at the base of the belfry, replaced another one with the king Louis XIV in 1792 after the French Revolution...
Cette vente anticipée m'a donc fait découvrir ce personnage en avance sur son temps, partisan de toutes les libertés, du progrès et de la culture pour mettre fin à tous les fanatismes et à la barbarie, dévoué au rayonnement et à la gloire de sa patrie et de la langue française et qui a lutté toute sa (courte) vie contre l’intolérance, les superstitions, les persécutions et la censure.
L'année 1509 voyait également naître Jean Calvin, qui a fait l'objet d'un autre timbre français émis le 25 mai 2009. Mais tout opposait ces deux personnages !
Calvin avait même déclaré au sujet d'Etienne Dolet : "Dolet et ses pareils ne diffèrent en rien des chiens et des porcs" !
Here are above the very friendly employees of the French Post during this "First day of issue".
This stamp sale has allowed me to discover this personnality ahead of his time, all in favor of freedom, progress and culture to stop all fanaticism and barbarism, devoted to the influence and the glory of his homeland and of the French language and who has fought his whole (short) life against intolerance, superstition, persecution and censorship.
Jean Calvin, also born in 1509, was the subject of another French stamp issued on May 25th 2009. But there was a world between these two characters !
Calvin even stated these words about Etienne Dolet : "Dolet and his friends are not different from dogs and pigs" !
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Happy Bastille Day !!
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