Le 23 septembre 1909, le président de la république du Brésil, Nilo Peçanha, créait les 19 premières écoles gratuites pour l'enseignement professionnel des apprentis et artisans, sous la juridiction du ministère de l'agriculture, du commerce et de l'industrie.
Ces écoles deviendront des lycées professionnels à partir de 1937 puis des écoles industrielles et techniques à partir de 1942.
Pour célébrer les 100 ans de ce réseau fédéral d'éducation professionnelle et technologique, la poste brésilienne a émis, le 23 septembre 2009, un timbre commémoratif qui figure en 2 exemplaires sur le FDC ci-dessous. Merci beaucoup Marcelo :-)
On September 23, 1909, the President of the Republic of Brazil, Nilo Peçanha, created the 19 first free vocational training schools for apprentices and artisans, under the jurisdiction of the ministry of agriculture, trade and industry.
These schools became vocational secondary schools from 1937 and industrial and technical schools from 1942.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the federal network of vocational and technological education, the Brazilian Post has issued on september 23, 2009, a commemorative stamp included in two copies on the FDC below. Thank you very much Marcelo :-)
A noter sur la partie gauche de ce timbre la présence d'une roue dentée symbolisant le début du processus d'industrialisation du pays.
Ce timbre, sur lequel a été imprimé le nombre 100 avec un vernis transparent, permet ainsi de mettre en avant 100 ans d'enseignement scientifique et technique gratuit dont bénéficient les jeunes brésiliens.
This Permanent value stamp (1st commercial postal rate, R$ 1.00 currently) features in its center a map of Brazil, on which are included all the current and future vocational training schools in every State. Since 2003 the Brazilian ministry of education has initiated an expansion of this technical education network, creating in particular in December 2008 some federal institutes of education, science and technology in partnership with universities.
It's worth noting on the left side of this stamp the presence of a cogwheel symbolizing the start of the process of industrialization of Brazil.
This stamp, on which was printed the number 100 with a transparent varnish, allow to highlight 100 years of free science and technical education offered to young Brazilians.
La ville de São Luís (Saint-Louis en français) à la particularité d'être la seule capitale d'état au Brésil à avoir été fondée par des français en 1612. Elle est aussi une des 3 capitales d'état à avoir été construite sur une île qui porte le même nom, entre les baies de São Marcos et de São José de Ribamar. Les portugais reprendront en 1615 la ville qui deviendra très prospère au 17ème et 18ème siècle grâce aux plantations de coton, riz, canne à sucre, cacao ou tabac.
En raison de la période de stagnation économique du début du 20ème siècle, de très nombreux bâtiments historiques du centre-ville ont été conservés. São Luís a ainsi gardé ses rues typiques au quadrillage rectangulaire rappelant certains quartiers populaires de Lisbonne...
Le centre historique de São Luís est inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1997.
Le timbre très coloré ci-dessus montre une représentation des toits caractéristiques de la vieille ville avec ces points de vue (appelés "Mirantes") qui ont inspiré tant de peintres ou écrivains.
Two days later, on September 25, 2009 (my birthday !), was also issued a permanent value stamp (1st non-commercial postal rate for individuals, R$ 0.65 now) devoted to the city of São Luís, capital of the State of Maranhão, in northeast Brazil.
São Luís ("St. Louis" in French) has the particularity of being the only State capital in Brazil to have been founded by French in 1612. It's also one of the three State capitals to have been built on an island, the São Luís island, between the bays of São Marcos and São José de Ribamar. The Portuguese conquered in 1615 this city that became very prosperous in the 17th and 18th century thanks to the cotton, rice, sugarcane, cocoa and tobacco plantations.
In consequence of the period of economic stagnation of the early 20th century, many historic buildings downtown has been preserved. São Luís has kept its typical original rectangular street plan reminding some popular districts of Lisbon...
The historic centre of São Luís is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1997.
The very colorful stamp above features a representation of the characteristic roofs of the old city with these points of view (called "Mirantes") that inspired so many painters and writers.
2 commentaires:
Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
anyhow thanks for the good read!
Thank you for the compliment :-)
But I'm not a professional journalist at all !! I'm just living with a passion for the stamps and philately so it's easier to write details about them :-)
Thanks again for reading my blog !
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