Le 26 octobre 2009, la poste française a rendu hommage à l'illustrateur et écrivain alsacien Jean-Jacques Waltz (1873-1951), plus connu sous le nom d'Hansi.
Une reproduction d'une aquarelle datant de 1914, intitulée "La Promenade", montrant des enfants en costume traditionnel (dont deux fillettes portant la coiffe alsacienne constituée d'un gros noeud noir) devant un village alsacien typique, figure sur ce timbre à 0,90€ (tarif postal pour les lettres prioritaires de 20 à 50g à destination de la France, Andorre ou Monaco).
J'ai eu la chance de recevoir la splendide lettre ci-dessous, avec le cachet (non Premier Jour) spécial émis en avant-première à Strasbourg le 24 octobre 2009. Merci beaucoup Olivier :-)
On October 26, 2009, the French Post has paid tribute to the Alsatian writer and illustrator Jean-Jacques Waltz (1873-1951), better known as "Oncle Hansi".
A reproduction of a watercolor dating from 1914, entitled "The Walk", showing children in traditional costume (including two girls wearing the Alsatian headdress consisting of a large black bow) in front of a typical Alsatian village, appears on this € 0,90 (postage rate for priority letters up to 50g to France, Andorra or Monaco) stamp.
I was fortunate to receive the splendid cover below, with the special postmark (without "First Day" mention) issued in preview in Strasbourg on October 24, 2009. Thank you very much Olivier :-)
Hansi est resté célèbre en France car, bien que né en Alsace allemande (l'Alsace fut annexée par l'Empire allemand entre 1871 et 1915), il a illustré de nombreuses cartes postales à partir de scènes villageoises typiques et de dessins anti-allemands ou pro-français, comme par exemple celui figurant sur l'enveloppe ci-dessus à gauche montrant une jeune alsacienne portant un soldat en uniforme militaire français lors de la guerre de 1870...
Two other towns in France were chosen for this preview sale : Colmar, Hansi's birthplace, also in Alsace, not far from the village of Riquewihr and its Hansi Museum (this "First Day of Issue" could have been able to take also place in Riquewihr...) and Vougeot (Burgundy region) famous for its wineries (Chateau du Clos de Vougeot) and its "Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin" ("Knights of Tastevin's Brotherhood") whose emblem was designed by Hansi...
Hansi has become famous in France because, although born in German Alsace (Alsace was annexed by the German Empire between 1871 and 1915), he has illustrated many postcards with typical village scenes and anti-German or pro-French drawings such as the one on the envelope above on the left depicting a young Alsatian girl with a French soldier in a military uniform dating from the war of 1870...
Je ne résiste pas à vous montrer aussi l'autre face de cette lettre reproduisant une autre scène villageoise alsacienne mettant en scène des enfants ainsi que des plats typiques de la cuisine alsacienne : bretzel, kouglof et tarte aux quetsches... miam miam !!
Hansi became a symbol of Alsatian resistance to Germany. He was besides condemned many times by German courts.
I can not resist to show you the other side of this letter reproducing another Alsatian village scene featuring children as well as typical dishes of Alsatian cuisine : pretzel, kugelhopf and sweet purple plum pie... yum yum !!
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