Le 18 octobre 2008, la poste polonaise a émis une jolie série de 4 timbres consacrés à de grands compositeurs polonais du 20ème siècle.
Merci beaucoup Kazimierz pour les 2 FDC ci-dessous :-)
Mieczysław Karłowicz (1876-1909) ci-dessous à gauche fut compositeur et directeur d'orchestre.
Il fut membre du courant artistique "Młoda Polska" ("Jeune Pologne") qui avait pour but de valoriser "l’art pour l’art" et l’imaginaire. Parmi ses principales oeuvres : la symphonie "Renaissance", un concerto pour violon, 6 poèmes symphoniques...
On October 18 2008, the Polish Post has issued a nice set of four stamps devoted to great Polish composers of the 20th century.
Kazimierz thank you very much for the two FDC below :-)
Mieczysław Karłowicz (1876-1909) on the left below was a composer and orchestra director.
He was a member of artistic current "Młoda Polska" ("Young Poland"), which aimed to promote "Art for Art" and the imagination. Among his major works : the "Revival" symphony, a concerto for violin, six symphonic poems...
Son oeuvre la plus connue est sa symphonie n°3 pour orchestre et soprano (1976), dite des chants plaintifs.
Ci-dessous à gauche, Wojciech Kilar (né en 1932), compositeur de musique de films et de musique classique. Il composera des musiques d'avant-garde dans les années 50 et 60 puis s'inspirera des traditions populaires et religieuses de la Pologne. Mais il est surtout connu pour sa centaine de musiques de film composées depuis 1958, dont celle du "Pianiste" de Roman Polanski en 2002.
The stamp above on the right represents Henryk Mikołaj Górecki (born in 1933), composer of contemporary classical music. Often compared to the Estonian Arvo Pärt, his music, pure and simple, often reflected his Catholic faith.
His best known work is his Symphony n°3 for orchestra and soprano (1976), known as "Sorrowful songs".
Below on the left, Wojciech Kilar (born in 1932), classical and film music composer. He composed avant-garde music works in the 50s and 60s and then was inspired by the popular and religious traditions of Poland. But he is best known for his hundreds of film music composed since 1958, including the "Pianist" by Roman Polanski in 2002.
Chacun de ces 4 timbres inclut sur la partie droite, la signature du compositeur.
The last stamp above on the right honors the composer and conductor, Witold Lutosławski (1913-1994). He is considered as the greatest Polish composer of the second half of the 20th century. He will initially be influenced by popular music (reminding Bartok) then will have a go at serialism ("Dirge Music") and random music ("Venetian Games"). Then he composed mainly orchestral works. He has won numerous international awards.
Each of these four stamps includes on the right side, the signature of the composer.
Les 2 timbres identiques rendent hommage à Jeremi Przybora (1915-2004) et Jerzy Wasowski (1913-1984), les deux fondateurs du "Kabaret Starszych Panow" ("Cabaret des vieux gentlemen"), il y a 50 ans. Le "Kabaret Starszych Panow" est la plus célèbre émission de divertissement de la télévision polonaise, entre 1958 et 1980.
Przybora (à gauche sur ce timbre), et ses faux airs de Paul Newman je trouve, fut également un poète, écrivain, acteur et chanteur très populaire. Il sera notamment connu pour ses ballades et ses poésies chantées, typiques en Pologne.
Wasowski était aussi un compositeur (sur les textes de Przybora), pianiste, acteur et chef d'orchestre populaire dans le pays.
Je ne connais pas la date exacte d'émission de ce timbre ??
Enfin, le petit timbre à gauche fait partie de la série courante représentant des manoirs polonais. Émis le 20 juin 2001, il montre le manoir Lipków de style classique du 18ème siècle, situé près de Varsovie. L'écrivain Henryk Sienkiewicz, prix Nobel de littérature en 1905, résida dans cette demeure.
Kazimierz also sent me on November 14 2008 the other cover above, mailed from Tarnobrzeg :-)
The two same stamps honor Jeremi Przybora (1915-2004) and Jerzy Wasowski (1913-1984), the two founders of the "Kabaret Starszych Panow" ("Old Gentlemen Cabaret"), fifty years ago. The "Kabaret Starszych Panow" was the most famous entertaining program of the Polish TV, between 1958 and 1980.
Przybora (left on the stamp), looking like Paul Newman (!), was also a very popular poet, writer, actor and singer. He will be also known for his ballads and sung poetry, a popular music genre in Poland.
Wasowski was also a popular composer (from texts by Przybora), pianist, actor and conductor in the country.
I don't know the exact date of issue of this stamp ??
Finally, the small stamp on the left is part of the Polish definitive series depicting Manor Houses. Issued in June 20 2001, this one shows the Lipków classical style Manor of the 18th century, located near Warsaw. The writer Henryk Sienkiewicz, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, lived in this house.
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