La poste moldave a émis, le 1er mai 2009, sa 9ème enveloppe (entier postal) avec un timbre préimprimé commémorant les 130 ans de la naissance de l'une des plus marquantes personnalités de l'art bessarabien de l'entre-deux-guerres, Auguste Baillayre (1879-1961).
Merci beaucoup Sergio pour cette jolie lettre avec oblitération "1er jour" de Chişinău :-)
Un portrait du peintre figure sur le timbre et deux de ses oeuvres, "Nature morte aux poissons" (1927) et "Autoportrait avec des masques" (1945), sont reproduites à gauche sur l'enveloppe.
The Post of Moldova has issued, on May 1, 2009, its 9th postal stationery cover with a preprinted stamp commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of one of the most important personalities of the interwar Bessarabian Art, Auguste Baillayre (1879-1961).
Thank you very much Sergio for this nice cover with a FDC cancellation from Chişinău :-)
A portrait of the painter appears on the stamp and two of his works, "Still Life with Fish" (1927) and "Self Portrait with Masks" (1945), are also reproduced on the left on the envelope.
Son oeuvre s'apparentera successivement au constructivisme (de 1899 à 1918), à l'impressionnisme (de 1918 à 1943 en Bessarabie) puis au post-impressionnisme (de 1943 à sa mort à Bucarest). Il fut professeur à l'école des Beaux-Arts de Chişinău.
Plusieurs de ses oeuvres sont conservées au Musée national d'art de Chişinău, dont il fut le premier directeur en 1939.
Auguste Baillayre was born in 1879 in France (Eastern Pyrenees) where he spent his childhood and his adolescence in Georgia until 1898. He studied then in Amsterdam, St. Petersburg and Grenoble and became an important artistic personality in Bessarabia (a region today divided between Moldova and Ukraine).
His work was successively close to constructivism (from 1899 to 1918), impressionism (from 1918 to 1943 in his Bessarabian period) and post-impressionism (from 1943 to his death in Bucharest). He was a professor at the Chişinău Art School.
Several of his works are kept at the National Museum of Art of Chişinău, whose the first director he was in 1939.
His work was successively close to constructivism (from 1899 to 1918), impressionism (from 1918 to 1943 in his Bessarabian period) and post-impressionism (from 1943 to his death in Bucharest). He was a professor at the Chişinău Art School.
Several of his works are kept at the National Museum of Art of Chişinău, whose the first director he was in 1939.
J'ai déjà évoqué sur ce blog la série de 2008, consacrée à des puits, dont fait partie le timbre à 0,10 L ci-dessus à droite.
L'autre timbre à 2,20 L, émis le 18 juillet 1998, fait partie de la série EUROPA consacrée à des fêtes et festivals moldaves. Ce timbre évoque un festival de poterie qui a lieu à Iurceni (raion de Nisporeni, centre-ouest du pays).
Comme évoqué l'année dernière, le logo EUROPA sur ce timbre est erroné (la lettre "R" n'est pas conforme), comme d'ailleurs sur les 2 nouveaux timbres moldaves de la série EUROPA émis cette année dont je reparlerai très prochainement sur ce blog :-)
The postal rate of this stamp (L 1.20) corresponds to the sending of letters up to 20g inside Moldova. Sergio has therefore completed his postage with two other stamps affixed to the other side of this letter (see above) to obtain a total rate of L 4.50 (rate to western European countries).
I've already mentioned on this blog the series issued in 2008, devoted to the pits, including the L 0.10 stamp above on the right.
The other L 2.20 stamp, issued on 18th of July 1998, is part of the EUROPA series devoted to national festivals. This stamp evokes a pottery festival which takes place in Iurceni (district of Nisporeni, west-center of Moldova).
As mentioned last year, the EUROPA logo on this stamp is wrong (the "R" letter is not right), as besides on the two new EUROPA Moldovan stamps issued this year about which I'll speak soon on this blog :-)
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