Du 3 au 6 novembre 2011, la CNEP a organisé à Paris le 65ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne avec la Grande-Bretagne en invité d'honneur.
Près de 100 négociants en philatélie venus de France et de l'étranger ainsi que 20 administrations postales européennes et des TOM y participaient. A cette occasion, la poste française a émis en avant-première six nouvelles séries de timbres ainsi que 2 vignettes LISA en vente uniquement pendant la durée du Salon.
From 3 to 6 November 2011, the CNEP (French Chamber of stamp dealers and experts) has organized in Paris the 65th "Salon Philatélique d'Automne" ("Autumn Philatelic Exhibition") with Great Britain as guest of honor.
Nearly 100 stamp dealers from France and abroad as well as 20 European postal administrations and French overseas territories participated. At this occasion, the French Post has issued, in preview sale, six new series of stamps and two ATM stamps (LISA) available only during this Exhibition.

On y voit le bloc spécial de la CNEP ainsi que deux des six émissions de la poste française : carnet "Nativités" et bloc-feuillet Croix-Rouge. J'en reparlerai très prochainement.
Here is above the cover of the booklet, distributed at the entrance of this Show, announcing the program for this 65th edition.
It shows the special CNEP souvenir sheet as well as two of the six stamp issues by the French Post : the "Nativities" booklet and the "Red Cross" sheet. I will speak about shortly on this blog.

C'est ce timbre (0,89€, lettre prioritaire internationale), créé et gravé par Pierre Bara, qui figure sur le souvenir Premier Jour ci-dessus.
Mouhot a entrepris, à partir de 1858, un voyage qui le conduira à la découverte du Siam, du Cambodge et du Laos. Il explore et fait (re)découvrir aux européens en particulier les sites d'Angkor au Cambodge et de Luang Prabang au Laos où il meurt de la fièvre jaune en 1861.
A la gauche de ce portrait sur le timbre est représenté une des fameuses tours à 4 visages du Bayon, le temple central du site d'Angkor, symbole de la culture Khmère du début du 13ème siècle.
On November 5, 2011, the French Post has issued a stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the death of the French naturalist and explorer Henri Mouhot (1826-1861).
That stamp (€ 0.89, international priority mail), created and engraved by Pierre Bara, appears on the FDC souvenir above.
Mouhot undertook, from 1858, a journey that will lead him to the discovery of Siam, Cambodia and Laos. He explored and (re)discovered in particular the sites of Angkor in Cambodia and Luang Prabang in Laos where he died of yellow fever in 1861.
To the left of his portrait on the stamp is depicted one of the famous face towers of the Bayon, the central temple of Angkor, the symbol of Khmer culture of the early 13th century.

On y voit Henri Mouhot à gauche en train de réaliser un croquis d'une scène de la vie quotidienne dans cette partie de l'Asie du sud-est où il avait acquis l'estime et l'affection des populations indigènes...
To design the FDC cancellation, Pierre Bara has a priori based his work on the drawing above published in the book written by Henri Mouhot entitled "Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China, Cambodia and Laos".
Henri Mouhot is featured to the left making a sketch of a scene of daily life in this part of Southeast Asia where he acquired the esteem and affection of indigenous people...

A noter qu'une prévente avait également lieu à Montbéliard (Doubs), ville de naissance d'Henri Mouhot, les 5 et 6 novembre 2011.
Cette invitation montre un bas-relief du site d'Angkor Vat représentant des Apsaras, ces danseuses célestes symbolisant une vie insouciante, pleine de beauté et de sérénité. Près de 2000 Apsaras, toutes différentes, sont réparties sur ce site cambodgien exceptionnel.
I can not resist showing you the beautiful First Day invitation above, published by the French Post, devoted to the preview sale of this stamp at this Philatelic Exhibition Autumn 2011.
To note that an other preview sale took also place in the city of Montbéliard (department of Doubs), birthplace of Henry Mouhot, on 5 and 6 November 2011.
This invitation shows a bas-relief from Angkor Wat featuring two Apsaras, these celestial dancing nymphs ymbolizing a carefree life, full of beauty and serenity. Nearly 2,000 Apsaras, all different, are listed on this exceptional Cambodian site.

The other side of this invitation above summarizes the characteristics of that stamp (print run : 2 million) and its FDC postmark.
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