Lors de ce 65ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne à Paris, la poste française a commémoré le 20ème anniversaire de la mort de l'homme politique Gaston Monnerville (1897-1991) en lui consacrant un timbre commémoratif émis en avant-première le 5 novembre 2011.
C'est ce timbre (0,60€), créé et gravé par Sarah Bougault, qui figure sur le souvenir Premier Jour ci-dessous. Tirage du timbre : 2000000.
A noter que la prévente de ce timbre a également eu lieu à Cayenne (Guyane), sa ville de naissance et à Cahors (Lot), le département dont il fut sénateur entre 1948 et 1974.
During the 65th "Salon Philatélique d'Automne" held in Paris, the French Post has commemorated the 20th anniversary of the death of the French politician Gaston Monnerville (1897-1991) by devoting him a commemorative stamp issued in preview sale on November 5, 2011.
It is that stamp (€ 0,60), designed and engraved by Sarah Bougault, that appears on the FDC souvenir below. Print run of the stamp : 2,000,000.
To note that the preview sale of this stamp took also place in the city of Cayenne (French Guiana), his birthplace and in Cahors (Lot), the department of which he was Senator from 1948 to 1974.

Monnerville est d'ailleurs représenté sur ce timbre assis à son bureau du Sénat, la chambre haute du parlement français, composé également de l'Assemblée Nationale (chambre des députés).
Il fut ainsi le 2ème personnage de l'état français avant de devenir membre du Conseil constitutionnel entre 1974 et 1983.
But Gaston Monnerville, grand-son of a slave, will be remembered for having been President of the Council of the Republic between 1947 and 1958 and then President of the Senate between 1958 and 1968 when the Council of the Republic was replaced by the Senate at the beginning of the 5th Republic.
Monnerville is beside featured on this stamp at his desk in the Senate, the upper house of the French Parliament, which also includes the National Assembly (Chamber of Deputies).
He was thus the second character of the French state (after the President of the Republic) before becoming a member of the Constitutional Council between 1974 and 1983.

On its First Day of Issue's invitation above, the French Post has chosen to depict the Senate Chamber, located in the Luxembourg Palace in Paris, that is composed of 348 senators representing local authorities.

Le timbre à date Premier Jour a été conçu par une autre femme, Sophie Beaujard.
Here is the other side of this invitation above.
The FDC postmark has been designed by another woman, Sophie Beaujard.
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